Tomorrow we celebrate Emma's birthday
at the park... So keep your fingers crossed as the weather is still uncertain !!! Rain ... No rain?
There is a mother who is stressing out because she thinks she won't be on time to pick up her kids at 5.00pm. I told her to not worry, that I won't let them alone at the park. Then, a friend warn me that she is used to pick them up much later than she says (like 7 pm
Well, we'll see but I hope it won't happen ....
I don't want to have to stay at the park until very late, just for her kids ....
Chuy is still making the pinata and like always, he's late. He always keep everything for the last moment so .......... here he is working on the pinata and like last year, he's going to finish late to have it ready for saturday afternoon ... One is a Diddl's face (his first: he made a Nemo last yeat and a pineapple: for lack of time) The second should be a very traditional design: a star ! I have to admit that his Nemo was great and it was sad to have it broken
chuy is very talented but he never starts when he should ...
Hi Chiloe. Santa is really coming along now. The colours are beautiful. Really christmassy.
I hope the weather is fine for you tomorrow at the park and a happy birthday to Emma
Your Santa is coming along nicely - I enjoy seeing it grow.
Hope Emma has a great time at her birthday party and that the rain will stay away. :)
Espero que el clima este bueno y no llueva para que la fiesta de cumpleaños de tu pequeña salga fenomenal :)
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