On wednesday, I went to the dermatologist with Emma. We both had an appointment: Emma had a strange growth on her knee and I wanted to show a mole ( a hairy one
) that I had on the side of my face. It was the first time we met that dermatologist. He's a tall energic man. He asked : " so , who do I see first?" I am so brave that I replied he should see Emma first !!!
So he took a look on her knee and said it was a wart ! A wart?
On a knee?
I didn't even know you could have a wart on a knee. (it comes most likely from the swimming pool) Then he said he was going to freeze it with nitrogen liquid. Poor girl, last time she had one on her foot, our family doctor froze it with the nitrogen liquid as well and that darn thing do hurt a lot and apparently they can't put any kind of anesthesia to avoid the pain ...
She did pretty good but it did hurt her ...
Then I told him I was here for my mole so he can take a look at it and he sais: you want to take it out? SO let's do it ! Wow, I wasn't really prepare for it. I thought, he will look at it and then schedule an appointment for like next month ! So I tried to be brave in front of my kid and laid down on the table, ready to suffer ! Of coursen inly anesthesia hurt a little, then I didn't feel anything except that in the middle of it, I started to get a little anxiety attack. Of course, the doc noticed it ... maybe because I started moving my legs a little too much
He started to tell me he has a method when people faint: he slap them !
I tried to explain I don't faint, I "only" get panick attacks , that is different !!! But he said he had a little surprise for me anyway ... I was laying down so I couldn't move or escape. He sprayed water on my face, people !
I just needed to drink water AFTER the small procedure, I was NOT going to faint ...
Anyway, he sprayed my face twice: I guess even a doctor needs some fun in his life
Now, I have three stitches (but not cross stitches though
) This mole was starting to bother me especially since some hair starting to grow
I will have my stitches remove next week: I hope I won't have a scar ...
I keep having fun with my Lanarte: I am now working on the nest on the left.

Have a great week end !!!