Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Did I dispappear?
Monday, February 26, 2007
More about Roo

Sunday, February 25, 2007
saludos !!!

Brown ...

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Stash again?

No more purple . ..

Friday, February 23, 2007

And more purple ...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A little progress

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
At last ...

* * * * * *
Pierre is ok - pas de grippe ;) - Apparently, he's got a virus. VIRUS stands for unexplained fever and headache :)) Today, he seems fine even though he didn't want to eat his breakfast. What made feel ok also is that he just got a blood test to control his health. I always worry for him anyway... The doctor gave him a cough medecine and a nasal spray. Do you believe he made himself gag when I put the spray in his nose last night? :o I think I will end up giving him all the medecine in the toilet , just in case ;) lol
* * * * *
By the way, will you believe that yesterday, 10 people were connected on the blog at the same time (at 3.05 pm) I think it was 10 shy people :)) as I got no comments but I hope you do appreciate the blog shy people !!! :) Waow, I wish I would have seen that but I was too busy: cleaning? washing up the dishes? ironing? hum hum ... stitching? I am sure you can guess right ladies ;)
Monday, February 19, 2007
Progress ?

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Bad news
Pierre is sick. He has 104 F (or 40 C depending on where you live in the world) He has a headache and he's cold. I think he may have the flu but we'll take an appointment to the doctor tomorrow. Even though he seems fine, we always worry for him. Tonight I tried to give him a fever medecine. I mix it with fruit juice but there're always some tiny part of the powder that stay in the bottom of the glass. Yesterday, he almost made himself throw out and tonight he DID ... :( So I ended up giving him the child liquid form of the medecine !!! Imagine how much fun we had when we were giving him his medecine for his treatment for his leukemia...
Are you going to believe me?
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Zohrah's invitation
More previous WIP

By the way, I saw that today, someone from MEXICO (Chiapas) came to visit the blog. Hola a todos los latinos que vienen a visitarme. Mi esposo viene del estado de Zacatecas !!! Pueden dejar un mensaje en espanol si quieran !!!

Friday, February 16, 2007
I can't believe it !

Today, I also received 2 fabrics I got from an ebay seller. I was supposed to buy 32 ct evenweave and I got 2 linen fabrics so thin that I son't even know if you can really stitch on it... That really got me mad as money doesn't grow in my garden and I don't like wasting it. :( (also I don't like to stitch on linen ...)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
What's that?

Thanks for the one who wrote a comments !!! You make my blog ALIVE !!!
I am thinking about renewing my subscription to the Stoney Creek magazine. Until the past december, I used to get it to my home in France. I am now thinking about renewing my subscription and have it ship to my sister in law in Texas. She will then ship them to me when she will have 3 or 4 issues. It is a way to save money as it is very expensive to have it shipped to Europe.
This afternoon we are going to meet an english friend I met while teaching in a school in january. She may lend me english books for my kids.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Guilty !!!
By the way, if you know a way to add smiley to a blog, let me know !!! Thanks! Gracias ! Merci! Danke !
Still no comments ...
So don't be shy !!! I don't bite :))
A finished : the four seasons by Lanarte

A large view for a better idea

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
No picture !
Yes it is true: no picture today. It doesn't mean I haven't been stitching, it's just that I stitched the letter A, a butterfly next to the letter B and I started the grass under Eeyore with a flower on it. It will be hard to scan those details as they are not close to each others.
Today, I found the Royal Paris' phone number on the internet. I called them but the lady told me to write to the adress written on the kit. I asked her if it was possible to send an e-mail instead and I should receive my missing thread in a week or so... Great !!!
In the morning, enjoying my last hours of freedom (lol) I went to a fabric store that sell a few kits, mainly DMC and Vervaco. I saw the new Somebunny to love kit (the one with the bunny with a raincoat). I love the somebunny to love kits. But it costs 21 euros for a small kit with aida (I will change like always) and five threads. I don't think it is worth the money... :(
Kids are officially on vacation !
Monday, February 12, 2007
More letters !

Sunday, February 11, 2007
More stash (too much temptation :))

Did it !

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Need a some backstitch .

For Heidi
YOu can find the kit here :
And you are lucky: it's on sale. It costs 22.50 Euros when me I pay in a store: 34 Euros. You can order through that store because it is very serious and they send the kits as soon as they get the money. If you want to order with them I can even help you with translation. They do ship in Germany (I checked before to give you the link) The kit is at the bottom of the page. I tried also to search the web for you and that's all I found. Hope it will be helpfull for you.
check this link : I hope it will work better that the first link.
If not, just go to the left in "les broderies" then you get a menu on the top: you choose in "themes " : "personnages de BD then you chosse in collections : "Royal Paris." You should then get to the royal paris page !!!
If not, you also have this store: I never oredered with them.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Close to finish ....

Well, as you can see, Eeyore is almost finished. I hope to finish tonight.
Full view

Thursday, February 8, 2007
Almost finished?

As you can see I took advantage of the afternoon to stitch !!! YEAH ! Do you like the work in progress? I do :) More to see tomorrow ...
My counter ...
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
New pic

Waow that's not that easy to get the picture where we want on blogger... Anyway. I don't know if I'll keep that kit or sell it later on. I got it for a cheap price on ebay.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Guilt free day !

For those who wonder what kit I am stitching; it is "Winnie and Lumpy" from Royal Paris.
I love having my neo counter on the right. It shows where people come from to visit the blog. People from China came to read my blog. Do they stitch in China? Probably ... That would be nice if people will leave a message .
I am going to go back to stitch while watching CSI New York.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Slow, slow ...

Sunday, February 4, 2007
Roo is done

Here you can see Roo with all the backstitching done. Isn't he cute and realistic looking? I will finish the half stitches later on.
I don't have a school for tomorrow but I don't think I will accept any job as my day care will be on strike on thrusday ( eh, this is France ....) and my mom can not take care of Esteban that day. Anyway, I have a lot of cleaning to do :( But I could stitch in the afternoon. YEAH !!!
Saturday, February 3, 2007
And it is ...

Friday, February 2, 2007
Whose feet are those?

Thursday, February 1, 2007
A larger view