Thanks again for your kind words for my SIL. She's going to see a neurologist tomorrow I think. First, they found a kyst in her back and they found it could be the cause of her lack of strenght but then they made more tests and found out the kyst is likely not responsible for her problems .... We still don't know if she got tested for MS ... Each time, Chuy speak with a family member, he gets differents opionions ... but what pisses him a lot is that they all say "don't worry about it! " How can he not worry about someone he cares a lot ???
Thanks also for understanding my irrational fears about Pierre. Your support means a lot to me. You know I don't really talk about it with people around me ...
Saturday morning, we went to a sport event where kids can try out different sports. Of course, Pierre was NOT willing to try anything ... even though he says he wants to play hand ball this year in a club. Steb, on the other hand, did try different sports and he especially loved tennis.
The teacher told us 4 years old can play mini tennis so I'll see if I can get him in our city club. Emma also tried different sports and she liked tennis as well. Steb did a small poney ride that he enjoyed a lot. The lady told us they had a free poney ride on sunday.
So sunday, we went for the free ride. Emma tried to get one but like they already know her, they told her she was not allowed to get one but she could hold steb poney! She was very happy !!!
Here are some pics:
I now remember to use my camera to take a video (and you don't have to look at it upside down this time !!!
) He's really enjoying his ride !!! 
Wanna see Pansy? Yep, she has some legs !
And look: seems like someone got smart today:
I think my neighbor's girlfriend FINALLY understood that if she wants uninterrupted sex in the afternoon, she better not parks her car in front of my garage !!!
Do you think I should have rung the bell to say thanks?