We spent the day packing, moving boxes. I'm tired, my back hurt and I still can't believe we do have so much stuffs ...
And to add to the fun, the forecast appears to be snowy tomorrow
: double
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope they are wrong. The guy with the moving truck lives one hour from here and usually, it snows there ! Here, it's rare as we live close to the sea. Today, I asked one of my friends to take care of my kids and she also took the daughter of one friend who came to help us. And you won't believe it but she also fed them dinner !!! Yeah for great friends !!!
I don't know how it's going to be tomorrow as my dad is involved in the moving and he is not known to have won the award for the most patient man on earth
We'll see how it goes ...
I want to show a picture of my fuchsia. It's from thrusday as stitching is not in my to do list right now ...
I'll cut internet tomorrow morning. I'll check internet probably on wednesday. I'll miss you my friends !!! Be nice !!!