No I didn't give up on blogging. Time flies and there are not enough hours in a day to do all I would like to do. One reason of my silence and my lack of blogging mojo is my sister in law Maria. If you are a regular reader, you may remember her: she had lost her strenght in her legs and nobody couldn't really tell what was happening to her ( or so we thought). Actually, her health kept deteriorating slowly and during the summer, she was also loosing the strenght in her arms. Then one day, we got the phone call that we feraed. Maria needed to be hospitalized. So she went to live with her sister in Guadalalajara and she was able to see our children with the webcam. Internet is really great for families like us who have relatives in different countries of the world. Suddendly, Maria's health got worse and sadly on august 30 th, she passed away.
That was a very sad time for our family and especially for Chuy as Maria took care of him when their mom passed away. She was a beautiful lady with a strong character. She dedicated her life to her father and she only outlived him for some months.
We are missing her a lot, especially on sundays when we used to call her on the phone. I'm glad Emma was able to play the violin for her especially spring by Chopin. We learned after her death that she had a form of MS but that the doctors didn't want to tell the family because they were nothing they could do to save her and that she had only one year to live. That got me very angry because we would have done everything we could for Chuy to see her again.
I don't know what those doctors were thinking ...
You also may wonder if I'm still a stitcher or just a stash buyer but I'm happy to let you know that I still stitch and actually, I did finish two pieces. I got bored with my Lanarte and started a smaller one: Pink poppy flower by Lanarte. I thought it was a small one but I almost got bored with all that pink !!! I didn't stitch the green ( I know your're not surprised !!!
) And this is what it could look like with a ( virtual) frame:
Then I got in a Christmas mood and decided to stitch a Somebunny to love design called : room for one more by DMC. I stitched it on an opalescent lugana: Poltergeist by Silkweaver. It was a cute stitch and I really like it.

I didn't feel like going back to my other Lanarte so I started another one and I decided to start Nestingbox with pink flowers. I've always loved that cute Marjolein Design. I'm not going to stitch the little birdies under the main design because I feel it draws all the attention from the center of the piece.

This is my progress:

We celebrated Halloween on sunday. I didn't feel like doing anything but the kids insisted on having a little party so we invited some of their friends, decorated the house and here are the pictures:
I tried to carve a witch but as you can see, I didn't manage to really follow the template I found on the internet. 

Emma was a cute witch.

Our neighbor decided to wear a mask to get in the Halloween spirit.

It's the last day of the kids fall vacations and tomorrow is back to school !!!
I hope I won't wait that long again to show you my latest progress but you can always follow me on Facebook like some of you do if you want to. Thanks for being here and still be my stitching friends. 
Happy stitching !!!