Someone was not patient and decided to divorce me yesterday. I want to thank the remaining followers for their patience. I'm glad you're still here and I appreciate all your comments. 
So what did I choose? A new Lanarte? A beautiful Dimensions? Nope. I fell in love with one of the latest Margaret Sherry: stitch in time ( a kit by Anchor). You can't blame me, right?
How could I resist such cuteness?
But I learned my lesson from my other M sherry design: not only there are lots of backstitches ( but I doesn't bother me too much), there are also lots of half stitches. I had to find a solution to not get crazy. So what did I do? I simply changed the fabric and switched for a hand dye solo by Silweaver. I will get the same effect in the middle and won't bore you with my endless whines about my half cross stitches nightmare !!! Aren't you lucky? 
Here is a picture of the fabric ( click to enlarge !!!)
And here is a close-up:
The back stitches are again hard to stitch so I'm using both charts when I stitch to see if I should make stitches or quarter stitches. It does help to make a more realistic design !!!
Thanks for the compliments about my summer fruits finish. I don't feel I'm such a fast stitcher but I'm a regular stitcher so that helps