Thursday, May 31, 2007
What I'm doing
I'm not stitching right now because I'm praticing sign language on a song for a show we are doing with the kids at school. It is a famous french song (Savoir aimer by Florent pagny )Check that link if you are curious. I'm praticing only the chorus but it was hard to remember all the gestures ... Now I have to teach them to the kids tomorrow... That could be funny ... We'll pratice everyday now to be ready for june 12 th.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A big thanks !!!

Thanks all for your nice comments on my Birdhouse artistry
. 10 comments! Waow !
It's so nice !!!
Now, I'm all focused on my Christmas stories. I'm working on the green book: green is not my favorite colour but once it's done, it's done
After, I will have to deal with the dimensions chart: half point, mixed colours, and so on .... Ii is a real challenge for me so I hope I won't give up on it if it gets too complicated and if my progress are slow. What I like with the lanarte charts, beside the design, are the easy to read charts.
Blue tagged me but I'll answer later 
Monday, May 28, 2007

After almost two months (I started on april 2 nd) my Birdhouse artistry is officially completed !!!
YEAH !!!!!!!!!
It went faster than my Winnie and Lumpy (7 months ) I finished this morning the blue brush and the border and this afternoon , after working for my class, I finished the backstitches I didn't do on the main birdhouse. I completed ruined all the french knots I tried to do. Every single one of them ended in NOTHING close to a knot
So I cheated
Instead of french knots , I did simple knots and honestly: nobody can tell the difference
I'd like you tell me what you think of the bottom of the design: did I succeed to make the design looks fine even though I did not stitch Marjolein Bastin and the nuts at the left corner of the design? And I also lower the eggs and the brown birdhouse... Tell me the truth! I barely get any comments (way less than ladies posting pictures of common flowers from their garden
) so your opinion will be more than welcome 
Well, I am not free to stitch my Christmas stories and this is a great news !!! The chart is smaller but I'm not sure I'll finish it faster as it's a Dimensions kit ...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Almost done ...

I still find the colours a little darker that I would have wanted (especially the big birdhouse ) but I got used to it
It is almost over and I still don't know what I'm going to do with it ... I don't know how to frame . That's a big problem even though I am not too fond of putting a lot of stitched pieces on my walls. And I really stitch for the pleasure of it and the stress relief I get from it !!! I'll make my first attempt at framing with my Christmas Stories as I want to be able to display it at christmas time. I'll then take an already made frame and I'll try my best to make it look professionally made 
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The nest is finished !!!

Friday, May 25, 2007
Not a lot of stitching ...

Well, I couldn't stitch last night so my progress is very small on that boring nest. I'm hoping on finishing it tonight . It is also a big holiday week end here so I may have more time to stitch. Anyway, here is a picture !
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A nest and an escape

No bird escaped from my nest but my little birdie did esacape from his crib last night for the first time !
I couldn't believed it when I saw him at my living room door !
So we put him back to his bed with his sleepling bag and we thought he could be okay. But later on when I checked him, he was on MY bed
Let me tell you that I got a little scared when I checked his crib and I saw only the empty sleeping bag
Cathy, we don't need a little night lamp as his door stays open and there is plenty of light. Anyway, tonight again, he escaped again from the bed and I allowed him to fall asleep on my bed . I don't think it is the right decision but for now, it is quiet around here ... 
You see my nest is not yet finished ... I still have some stitches to do on that nest. I may get it over tonight but I still need to type some stuffs for tomorrow class .
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not done yet! It's strange how little thing can take forever to stitch ... I don't even know if I will be done tonight ...
Esteban still scream at night ... At first, he was fine with having the door open but not anymore... I don't know what to do. I'm very lost on that one ... Neighbours haven't complained so far but I think it is just a matter of time until someone knock the door (and I will understand them but what can I do ??? )
Monday, May 21, 2007
A birdhouse and a nest

I finished the birdhouse and I'm now stitching the last real design of that piece: the nest. Then I'll have to work on the frame : two brushes : a blue and a green. I'll then feel totally free to stitch my lovely Christmas stories !!!
Today, it was raining all day: are we going back to fall?
Sunday, May 20, 2007
New pic

I didn't post yesterday but I stitched at night. I mostly stitched at night but I'll have more time soon as the school year will end in 6 weeks !!! YEAH !!!! Isn't it great? You see: I haven't touched Christmas stories ! 
Yesterday, I went to see a kinesologist for Pierre. I don't know if I already told you that Pierre got a stroke ( probably when I was pregnant ) He now have to do some exercise at night (brain gym) I hope it will help him to have more self esteem, to find the strenght to overcome all the difficulties he can have learning .
If there are some parents or teachers who read my blog and know what kind of result kinesiology brings, I will be more than happy to read your experiences ! Thanks!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Eggs completed ! And I've been tagged
I finished last night my four eggs !
I thought I'll then stitch the nest but I need to lower the nest. I thought I won't be able to do it if the birdhouse is not stitched first. It is hard to decide where to put it. I started the birdhouse but I don't know yet if I made the right choice... 

Heidi tagged me ! This is the first time it happened to me !
So here are the rules :
1 - Each player must state 8 random facts/ habits about themselves.
2 - People who tagged , write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3 - At the end of your blog, you need to tag 8 people and post their names.
4 - Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to read your blog.
1 - We are a trilingual family : we speak english, spanish and french. When we go to a public place, people often stop speaking to listen to us (not always discreetly ... ) Chuy and I speak english together, Chuy speaks english to Pierre and spanish to Emma and Esteban . I speak mainly french to my kids.And it is not as complicated as it appears
They all understand the 3 languages. We now need to learn a new language if we want private conversations
2 - Each of my kids has been conceived in a different country : Pierre : Mexico, Emma : USA (Texas) and Esteban : France.
3 - I love foreign languages : I also learnt latin, swedish and finnish while at university.
4 - I taught english (level 1) in a mexican high school while my spanish was not very good 
5 - I always wanted a daughter and I followed a special diet to raise my chances to have a girl from the doctor Papa (and it's his real name !
) I did get a girl : diet or chance?
6 - I'm in love with Santa !
Don't ask me why : I don't know where it comes from myself 
7 - I love gardening but I live in an appartment and don't have a garden .
8 - I dream of eating heathlier but I don't like vegetables 
I tag: Barbibouille, Fée Luciole, Blue, Calina,Chiara and little grey cat.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I didn't break any !!!!

My four eggs are almost completed
There are a little boring to stitch but that's okay . I may work on the brush or the nest after them. I hope to finish all before july ... We'll see. 
I talked to the teacher last night and she thinks she'll be off until the school show ( june 12 th) and her shrink told her that she may not come back until the end of the school year. Me, I'm fine whatever it will be as the kids are great.
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