I'm trying to get used to the new blogger. Surprisingly, it didin't warm me that they change a little bit !!! LOL
I haven't been here for a while as you may have noticed it or not.
I wanted to, I swear. I thought I could become the daily blogger that I used to but I lost my mojo and still can't find it ... ANyway, I'm still a stitcher and still stitch almost daily. I still take my daily picture but am too lazy I guess, to upload the pictures daily. I lack discipline and have lots of ups and downs that keep me from being the one I usd to be ...
I did finish my autum harvest but I'm not as happy as I would have wanted to with the finish ...
Then I chose to stitch my little Vera the mouse on a Tutti Fruitti from the old Silkweaver . I just love my Vera and the fabric was perfect for it . The kit is OOP and I was lucky to find it a long time ago.
Now I'm stitching my summer bouquet from Marjolein Bastin. I really love it. The colors are beautiful and it's a pleasure to stitch.
Will you believe that at the begining of the month, Emma turned 12 years old? Seems like yesterday when she was that cute little baby and now she's a pre teen.
Like every year, she went to pony camp for a week.
She loves to ride so much. Steb is growing also and he turned 7 years old on march. He's still our little cutie and he has started to learn how to play the piano. He's learning very quickly which came as a surprise for us and he's in advance already.
Pierre is fine: he's a teenager .... What else do I need to add? LOL 
I hope you are all fine and stitch stitching. 