I stitched my bear again!!! I need to do the backstitch around the dress and the bear. Time is so long at my mom's house that I stitch a lot. Esteban takes long nap there: 3 hours so it is three hours of stitching.
Thanks for your comments! I also see my blog as a diary for my progress. But sometimes when you are tired , you think : do someone really care if I don't post my new progress today? There are plenty of blogs I check daily and I'm disappointed when I don't see a new post. I love seeing people new progress.I am a tru cross stitch addict.
I was supposed to show you my new stash today but I talk on the phone with the mother of twins who are at the same school of my kids ... until 1.25 am !!! It's funny because she called because her kids forgot their jackets at Emma's party and then we started talking about different stuffs: school, life, etc... When I used to see her at school, I never thought we could talk like that (she probably thought the same about me !!!) So if you don't see my new kit it's because of her but ar least you saw my new progress and the new bear ;)
Come back tomorrow to see my new stash !!!
This one is coming along great. What a cute little bear!
I too love all the daily updates. I don't always get time to stitch so don't update more than two or three times a week but I love the daily bloggers and their updates.
Sip definitivamente se ve un osito...me encanta este diseño...creo que me lo tendre que comprar pronto ;)
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