of potty training has started! We'll see where this journey will take us. For now, he doesn't want to go ON the potty
We'll see in a week if things are better ... 
I finished Santa's arm but I still need to stitch the armchair on the left. I didn't stitch a lot yesterday so the progress is slow. I think it will done by tonight (or this afternoon) as it's raining AGAIN
I am tired of having one good day, one bad day ... San, I'll try to have this piece professionally framed ... Well, of course, it depends on the price they will ask for as I never had any framed. I wish I know how to frame myself but the cross stitch pieces I choose are always so big. This is my first small one . If it is too expensive, I'll try to frame it myself.

Last time, I went around some french blogs and I was surprised to read in some: "this blog is closed for summer".
Life really seems to stop in this country in summer: if you call the administration, it is sometimes hard to get any information. They answer you "sorry, the person in charge of this file is in vacations: call back in september"
Yes, but I need this information NOW !
Well, don't worry, I won't close for summer 
My great niece turns 3 in November. My niece had trouble getting her to go on the potty as well, but found the problem was that she didn't want to use the potty, she wanted to be grown up and go straight on the toilet.
Could that be an option?
I've never used a framer either, I think I'm too scared to go and find out how much it will cost. I think I will have to suck it up and go find out when I have finished Fairy Flora. After the amount of time and effort that has gone into her she deserves to be framed properly.
same here, I do my framing myself...
I don't get the "on holidays for the whole summer" bit. Especially from blog. I would have thought that being on holidays, people would have more time to stitch and blog about it.
Unless they are all super rich and go away for 2 months...
And if it's taking care of kids that is the problem, then why not initiate them to stitching, or find them something to do or even sleep overs at friends?
iCI pas de soleil et encore moins une fermeture à cause du soleil.
Ta ville prend forme, j'y passe réguluèrement.
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