You won't believe it but I had stitched the bear's head and I had to frog it all because I miscounted. I hate that... you look at what you stitched and then , you realized you made a mistake. It looked like a real bear ... Anyway, cross stitch is about patience, right?
Chuy didn't go to work today. He's sick. It may be a stomach bug. We'll see how he is tomorrow...
Good news about the weather: it should be better on friday , even hot!!! Could it be true? Will we really wear summer clothes?
I really appreciate the few comments I get. I don't know in the long haul if we can still blog without getting comments? I like showing my progress and I'm pretty talktative but I still need to know some people do come... I'm just a human being I guess...
You're making fantastic progress. :)
Sorry about the frogging - I just hate it when that happens!! Speaking of which, I had to frog today as well...
Glad to hear that the weather is picking up on your side. We still have clouds/rain/clouds/rain. They said it'll get better over the weekend. Yeah right...
I read, two or three times a day, but I probably rarely show up on any stats because I read through bloglines.
I think you'll find you have a lot more readers than you think you have because a lot of people use bloglines or other blog readers.
I don't comment much anywhere because I never know what to say!
A lot more people are reading your blog than are commenting. It used to bother me that more people didn't comment on my blog, but for me, I realized that I am blogging to document MY progress. I treat it like a diary. As long as I stitch and I blog, the comments are just extras.
Your stocking is coming out great. Sorry you had to frog the bears head, I hate that too. :)
Muy buen progreso!!...ya iras 50% del diseño?
Yo también siempre te leo...lo hago a través de Google Reader trato de comentar siempre pero no siempre para no sonar muy repetitiva...pero siempre te leo! :)
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