I got three hand dye fabrics I bought from a french lady who started a company: one color is awful: it's a strange yellow (what could I do with it?
It's going hard to use ... Maybe I'll sell it back on ebay ... She also writes that 11.6 fils/cm is = 32 count
it is a 28 count and I, I only stitch on 32 count ... I'm a little tired of buying fabrics on internet and not getting what they are supposed to sell. Anyway, the 2 others are really 32 count and one color is great: it is a sand like color, and the other one is a beige. I'll try to take a picture soon.I haven't heard from Silkweaver so I don't know if she's back on business after her son's surgery ???
Back to school
I read somewhere that for the first time ever, a little girl got a bone marrow transplant from the blood cord that had been collected at the time of her birth. When Emma was born seven years ago, I thought about doing it but we were in Texas and it was expensive! (about $1500 for the collect and $300 to $ 400 every year) When Esteban was born 2 years ago, the stem cells of his umbilical cord were collected and are now saved in our local blood bank. And all of that was done for free! Of course, now I regret not having Emma's blood saved somewhere. Especially because Pierre got sick and I know it is hard to find a good match for mixed children. I still don't know if Esteban and Pierre are compatible (or Emma) and I hope we won't need to find out
Missy and Kathryn: thanks for your help about google reader. Actually I had to click on the "all items" to get the new updated blogs. I had clicked on many options but not on that one ...
Terry ann: have you finished your Winnie and Lumpy? Do you have a picture to show us your progress?
Waow: that's a long post ...
Muy buen progreso en el angel...esta quedando genial!
Que bueno que ya hayas podido resolver tus problemas con Google Reader, yo tambien lo uso y me resulta muy practico.
Aaah y tus post no son aburridos, son de facil lectura y con muchos smilies muy simpaticos :)
The little girl is so pretty and delicate. I love that you do the backstitching as you go, really makes the piece come to life.
I like ordering regular fabrics from 123stitch.com, they have awesome service and the best prices. For hand dyed, I have heard that sassysfabbys.com is a great place.
: )
Hola!!! mira, yo no soy buena en esto , pero para mirar sirvo... Y veo los progresos en el vestido del angel. animo, que se ve precioso el trabajo!!!
besos desde Argentina
Ohh elle va être jolie cette petite !
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