Today was the last official day for the sales. I decided to check a craft store I almost never visit because if they have a lot of kits, they are also very expensive ... Too expensive for me. They don't have a lot of charts. I checked the sale bin first and I found 3 Diane Graebner charts. I always like those charts but never got any. Well today was the opportunity
So I got waiting and recess. I may stitch them on some small silkweaver fabrics. I paid each chart 4 Euros. Blue 

stitching. I like the baby Newton. I could stitch it for a new baby. The charts seemed more interesting when my subscription had stopped but I always love their christmas issue
so I hope I won't be diasppointed at that time of the year.
Es maravilloso ver como va quedando tu pequeño angel!
su cabello le fue dando personalidad...bello!
Un beso desde Argentina y ya te tengo entre mis link favoritos.
I like Diane Graebner's charts too! =) Your angel project is progressing great - really pretty!
el angel esta hermoso!! y ya veras que bordar el blanco valdra la pena :)
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