This is my progress on Roo. I didn't do much as you can see. We had guests yesterday so I stitched only at night.
I went to work today. I have 25 six years old for two weeks. The day went ok. My co-workers are nice which is always a plus when you go from school to school. Pierre and Emma were ok to go to school too even though Pierre didn't want to go back yesterday evening (I understand him as I WAS in the same wood :)) Emma had a good day. She told me she did 5 activities this morning (there are in a Montessori type school and usually, she does only 3 activities, barely 4) I told: "waow, that's great !" She replied: "yeah, I didn't talk today !" That girl is so talktative !!! She started repeating word at 9 months old. Now you understand she really loves to talk. Esteban got a good day at the daycare too.
1 comment:
merci pour ta visite sur mon blog ;) je t'y ai laissé un petit mot. Tu es de quelle nationalité ? ton tableau de Winnie l'Ourson va être superbe, courage ;)
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