First, don't forget to enter my giveaway here! (make sure to read the post first )
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY !!!!! Emma or Steb will pick a winner tomorrow !!!!
Today I got a letter from Pierre's school telling me Pierre didn't got to tutoring on friday afternoon. So I called the school right away and the lady told me that he was reported missing that day and that she will check with him. That day, I picked him up at the same time ( 5.45 pm). When I picked him up this afternoon, I asked him what happened this past friday??? Well, I found out my "sweet" baby boy skipped tutoring on friday to spend time with one of his friend !
Talking about school: Emma and Steb won't have school on thrusday as the teachers are on strike ... again
My fuchsia? Here they are :

si, cuando son bebés, solo hay que preocparse si duermen,que estén abrigados y alimentados,pero cuando ya crecen,los problemas y lios en que se meten crecen también. Mi hija un día simplemente no hizo una activdad en la clase, y cuando le preguntamos el por qué?, contestó que estaba mirando por la ventana y le dieron ganas de salir a jugar (en plena clase!!!), consecuencia? regaño y sin DS un mes.
Tu fuchsia va perfecta y muy bonita!.
ROFLOL He's growing up, isn't he!
aww chiloe sorry to hear pierre skipped class he probably didnt realise he would get in trouble lol...ah well he knows now not to do it again :)
Hey... it let me comment again!!
Good. First, congrats on your bloggerversary. The pictures of the kids are cute.
We've all been there with the school highjinks. If you stick to your "guns" now... it will be easier when they are teens (That's what I live by) Mine are teens now and so far, so good! (crossing fingers) ;o) hang in there!
Yes, our sweet little angels do surprise us sometimes, don't they? There's a saying that when children are little, they pull at your apron strings, but when they are older, they pull at your heart strings. They definitely stress us out more in a different way. Hang in there. Being tough now can save a lot of problems later. I'm sure Pierre will think twice about it now. :) Love the special effects with the emoticons!
Oh dear! *big hugs* and patience for you
Ahlàlà, ce que j'appréhende le plus avec les miens: la pré-adolescence et l'adolescence. Pas évident à gérer. Bon courage ma belle. Bisous.
Puis tes fuschias sont magnifiques! Chaque fois que je les vois, la tentation monte pour les acheter, mais je tiens bon jusque là! ;o)
Everyone already said it - usually a really strict punishment at the first offense will make sure he doesn't do it again. Sigh. They grow up TOO FAST!!!
I plead on his behalf, 2 weeks' sentence please. I am already shivering thinking of my 4 year old dd growing up.
Whispering into Pierre's ears - ask your mummy whether you play video games for a month if you are really good. Heheheh.
Uh-oh :o( Not a good move Pierre! I take it he hasn't learned how to forge your signature on a note yet ;o)
Oh no!! Skipping tutoring was not a good idea! Hopefully your son will not be doing that again.
Your fuchsia is looking wonderful. :)
Oh no!! Skipping tutoring was not a good idea! Hopefully your son will not be doing that again.
Your fuchsia is looking wonderful. :)
Oh dear. I'm sorry about Pierre. No useful advice to offer as we are just starting out on the whole school journey.
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