Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy dance, stash (again) and progress

So you thought your glitter ball could stay in your closet for a while because my fuchsia were not close to be finished !!! And what do you see coming back from the "on the go" bag today? A finished christmas bird by Lanarte !!! Now you wonder if I still sleep during the night or if I kidnapped a stitcher and make her stitch for her food !!!

And here is a larger picture of the beast. I love the fabric I chose even though I was not sure I picked the right one at first. It's a solo by Silkweaver. I started it on august 28th and finished it today.

Today was stash day again. You may remember I took advantage of the winter sale season to order from different online store and I got everything today. I was very happy but also a little disapointed: I would have rather get something everyday for three days . Wanna know what I got ??? I got this little musical kit for Emma and some Lizzie Kate charts (very cheap!)

I also got a kit Emma adores: a Hello Kitty kit she really really wanted but was too expensive here. I ordered it from Sew and so. Their service is very fast and the prices are great.
And last but not least, my two Madame la fée charts !!!!!!!!! See the excitment here? I ordered BOoo (newly released - usually those are not on sale!) and Market day. You can click on the link to see a close-up and you can also click to enlarge my pictures. I don't know which one I'll stitch first but they are both screaming my name !!!!!!! Bad charts !
I'm very happy with my stash and now will wait until next july for the next sale season !!! Well, I mainly need threads and not new charts ... How come I can never stay focused

Today, I'm happy with my fuchsia progress (click to enlarge). I feel I'm actually progressing rather than stitching some details only.


Pumpkin said...

Fantastic Chiloe!!!! I always thought the fabric was perfect after the first time I saw it :o)

WOW! Great stash! No wonder you are excited :o)

You've done a lot on the second Fushia already.

Ranae said...

I love your birdie finish, love the color fabby.
Love the new stash, esp the Booo
That sounds like a good idea.. hire someone to stitch and feed them, lol..

Unknown said...

A quand la photo de toutes tes grilles en stock? Ça doit être assez impressionnant ;)

Andie said...

Wow it looks super finished, I knew you had chosen the perfect fabbie :D Great stash and your fushia is gorgeous, won't be long til you have a happy dance with that one too :D

Tammy said...

I think your fabric choice is perfect. I looks like sun variation to me.

Look at all those lovely new patterns you have. Have fun with them, my dear!

Michele said...

Love the fabric on which your little bird is stitched. He's so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I love the bird's fabric. It picks up the colors in the threads perfectly.

I have the older Madame la Fee Halloween pattern, but I need to finish her Rouge comme... first. Maybe next year.

Tanja said...

And when do you plan on stitching all of this? My, you are even worse than me buying stash!
The birdie is so pretty, but I love the flowers even more.

Oh and that market chart is awesome, I want that one too!

Carolyn NC said...

Great stash & I love your bird finish. Congrats!

mainely stitching said...

What a gorgeous finish! And I bet your new stash really made a big hit! :D

Anonymous said...

Like everyone else I think that the fabric was the perfect choice. Congratulations on you HD :) It's nice to have one in the middle of working on a large project.

Carmen said...

wow,the bird is so gerogeous!! the fabric fix perfectly, oh, and the stash are great to..

the fuchsia advance fast too.