An elf decided that Santa made a mistake with my christmas gifts. I knew the old man didn't read well when he put the Will Ferrell DVD in his bag ... It was probably written : the Wii !!! Confusion as you age is normal but it bothers when you are the one who get the wrong thing
... Anyway, Santa always takes adavantage of the after christmas season to hire new elves
and one of his new elf has a name: Barbara ! And Barbara double checked his lists (I guess she found odd someone will EVER get a Will Ferrell movie for Christmas.
) So Barbara decided to make up for the old man and as a good elf who wants to keep her job, she checked very well my file (I've been a good girl for so long
) And look at what I found in my mailbox today ( she may have heard we already took our tree down
) An enveloppe full of stitching goodies !!! Thank you so much Barbara: you are such a good elf and Santa should already promote you as his assistant (because, between you and I, I think his eyes sight is getting really bad
) By the way, that busy elf has even time to have an ETSY shop !!! (click on the red link to see how talented is our elf !!!

Thanks for your nice comments yesterday! I feel better but I didn't stitch last night. (no pictures today ... sorry the addicted ones
I exercised yesterday and today (aren't you proud of me?
My google reader got a life on his own and started getting crazy by showing several posts from one blog at different dates ...
What a wonderful present you got :)
Anything is better than a Will Ferrell dvd...
Great gift, great friend!
What a nice gift. Much better than the DVD, eh?
I hate it that other people have the will power to exercise and I seem to have lost that one... grrr!
Can you motivate me too? :-)
hi chiloe that was a lovely pressie for you well done to the new layout also :)
Is that a Just Nan I see in that pile? Oh look away! Look away! :-)
What a lovely gift.
Beautiful gifts!
A lovely gift from the wonderful Barbara.
Yay for exercise :) I got in an hour today and it feels so good.
That's a wonderful present from Barbara. She is really sweet! The bunny chart is cute. :)
Que bueno Santa tiene elfos que si saben lo que te gusta ;). Esta lindo lo que te regalaron!
Yay! I'm an elf, finally!! :D I'm really glad the packet arrived quickly and that you like it. I went through things, thinking, "What will she like??" As you might know, your dreaded green is my favorite color; your beloved pink is one of my lesser favorites ... so it was a challenge. But a fun one!!!
Hey, speaking of exercise, I passed one hour today! If I do this like a good girl, I will be in good shape before summer. Fingers and toes crossed!
ce doit être impressionnant tout ce qu'on doit pouvoir trouver chez toi !!!!!
c'est cher tout çà? parce qu'alors en France , bonjour hé !!!!
Sweet gifts!
What a thoughtful gift from Barbara... so glad that the elves have better eyesight than Santa!
That truly was a nice elf! Look at that lovely stash :o)
Good for you! I hope you will lose the weight you want to but remember, you have to eat right too ;o)
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