Yep, someone just turned 2 today !!!! It all started on january 24 th 2007. I always wanted to start a cross stitch diary (even before I knew the blogs existed). It started here. The first person who stopped to leave me a comment was Ana ( I think she never came back though
) . Esteban was a baby : here. My first finished piece on this blog was my Winnie and Lumpy. So it's been two years since I started to share my life with you. I really enjoy writing almost everyday.

Blogs are a great way to make friends online everywhere in the world. You now have became a part of my daily life. I sometimes think of you at different moments of my life. For instance, if I see something about Frank Sinatra, I think about Kendra, snow makes me think (and grin) about Meari. Disneyland? Debbi ! Lanarte? Marie! Holland? Barbara! Weight loss? Dani! Exercise? Faith Ann! Panda? tkdquintmom! and I could go on and on

So, two years. I thought: should I do a giveaway or not? I love giveaways. I think they are fun for the one who does it and the ones who enter. So yes, I'm going to do one but I'm going to open it ONLY to the persons who have commented in the past (my first giveaway not included). Why? Because I want to thank you all. Thank you for bearing with me, thank you for supporting me when I feel down, thank you for cheering me up when I need it the most, thank you for being my friend wherever you are in the world. I really appreciate each of your comments, probably more than you think. I know you all have a busy life and it makes me happy when you stop by to drop me a line. Sometimes, I think "what for? " and then I read your comments and I think my blog and life may interest you and I come back blogging about my stitching and my boring life.

Thanks for letting me know I was not the only one who got divorced without any warnings. Yvonne wrote me I should ask for some kind of support. She's right: we should ALL get stash support (our emotional schock deserves that, right? ) !!!

Another petal is coming to life:
Thank again for taking the time to stop by and don't forget to enter my giveaway !!! 

Happy Blogaversary Hon!! Isn't it amazing what the internet has done for us all. I have some wonderful new friends thanks to this blogging world and I treasure each and every one as you do.
I wanted to wish you a Happy Blogoversary. I follow your blog and really enjoy reading it. I admit I do not leave comments very often, sometimes I am in a hurry and sometimes I don't know what to say. But I wanted to comment here to let you know that I love seeing what you are stitching and to hear about your life and your children. And I love to have you for visits to my blog as well - you are a lot better commenter than I am. I will try to speak up in your comments more. Hope you have a wonderful day!
happy blogoversary chiloe again! i wished you an early one yesterday as i didnt know if i would be on today or not...well i am in for the giveaway which reminds me i need to organise mine when i get home from america...must buy goodies when i am away for it ;)
heres to many more lovely years of reading your blog
shel xox
Congratulation on your second Blogoversary. Mine will be coming up in February, so I know how much it means. Madame la Fee SAL?!?! I think I need that! I need to finish Rouge comme... As long as no one minds that it is half finished. I'm such a slow stitcher that they will be finished long before I am.
Congrats on your anniversary. You were the first person to comment on my blog and for that I will always remember you!
I always look forward to your posts on my reader!
Even if I don't comment as often as I should.
Happy blogoversary, Chiloe! Yay, two years! Congratulations!
Enter me in the draw, please!
Happy 2nd Blogoversary! And thanks for the mention...I'm glad to be linked with Frank Sinatra! :-)
I've love to be entered for your giveaway as well.
Happy Second Blogoversary!
I really enjoy reading your blog and watching your progress on your stitching.
I've had my blog now for a little over six months. I'm hoping I'll make it to a year. LOL
I would love to be entered into a giveaway for your Blogoversary, too.
Happy Blogoversary
Happy blogobersary to you! I can't wait to see your Mme La Fée SAL. I like her designs! I haven't commented your fuchsia for a long time but it looks lovely!
That is turning out just beautiful! How sweet of you to think of me when you see things that remind you of me! I find myself doing the same thing :-) Ya know, I noticed to that someone divorced me yesterday too! :-( I don't have as many followers as you do but still....anyway Happy Blogging!
Happy blogoversary! Love the pic of your little one then. I'm fairly new to your blog, so I'll enter a giveaway another time. Your fuchsia is looking prettier and prettier. :)
Oh yay *claps hands* Happy blogoversary :D
Thanks for this post. As I read you r comments about thinking about people and places differently now made me realize I do the same thing with some of the same people. lol It's a small ole world and getting smaller by the day.
Happy Blogiversary!!!
And, I just love your flowers! Grat stitching!
Happy Blogoversary!
I do not comment so often, but I read & follow your blog :)
Let's try my luck :)
Happy Blogoversary!!! I got to say thank you to you as I've been thinking whether to have a blog for a while as I know I won't have the time to maintain it. After seeing your blog, I decided to set one up and I really love it!
Just made myself the 51st followers. My eyes are on you all the time now.
Not a follower, but I check in about every week if I have the time. I would love to be in the giveaway. Your wip is really coming to life.
Debra in Indiana
Happy 2nd Blogiversary Chiloe!!! And may you have many more!!!
Happy Blogoversay!! i hope you have more and more,because your blog, is stimulating, funny, positive, i really enjoy reading it.
You don't have to include me in your giveaway but I do want to wish you a happy blogoversary! You have enriched my life more than you'll ever know and I appreciate your support when I'm down. Keep those fingers moving over those keys, my friend! HUGS!
Happy Blogaversaray to you. Thanks for the comments on my recent post. I am feeling better today. Everyone said I looked great at the party. Even if they were lying, I am okay with that. One day at a time.
Congratulations on your blogoversary - we have seen a lot of changes in the last two years Chiloe especially your little girl who is now beginning to look quite grown up.
I replied to your email - did you get it lol I need your address to post the chart.
Thanks for visiting my blog, Chiloe. You've got a good eye: Dream Dancer is designed by Joan Eliot. I'm impressed.
Yes, I'd like to be entered into that giveaway.
I love how that watercolor piece is turning out: so artistic!
Happy Blogoversary Chiloe. Please enter me in your draw.I love reading your blog even though I don't comment everytime. I love seeing your wonderful Lanarte pieces and hearing about your lovely children. Blogging is such a fantastic way of making friends and meeting new people and, of course, being enabled to buy new stash! LOL!
Happy Blogoversary!! Wow, 2 years goes by quickly!!
When I think of coming to your blog, I like to read updates about your children/family, see your lovely progress photos and drool over the lovely new charts you introduce me to.
I don't think you should be discouraged with your 1 lb weight loss... it's in the *right* direction! Keep going!!
(Please don't include me in the give-away contest... I think shipping to Canada is too expensive!!)
Happy blogaversery!!! Hope in 2 years from now that you will still blogging and i will still reading it!!!! I didn´t comment very often, but i do read your blog daily. I love-it!! (I know, I should get a life...) Don´t know if i can enter your giveaway... will see... don´t use to have luck anyway... but having something chosen by you deserves the try!!
Happy Blogoversary!!
I read your every post, I just don't get to comment on every single one.
Please include me in your draw
Hi, Chiloe,
Happy Blogoversary!! I'm new to your blog and am really enjoying it. Reading about your young children reminds me of my days with little ones running around. You're very kind to come and post on my site, too. I don't have many followers and it's always nice to hear from the regulars.
I had to laugh in this post when you mentioned getting divorced without notice - I forgot for a minute you were referring to a follower of you blog and my heart dropped thinking your husband left you and I missed something! What a relief!
I'd love to be in your giveaway! I love your work and it's always exciting to get something in the mail at any age!!
One comment about weight loss- every body is different and we would love to all be those fast losers. If you are in the slow loser group like I am, it helps to just think - this is a long process and my body will lose slowly. In the long run, people who lose weight slowly tend to keep it off longer. Remember that sometimes you lose inches and not pounds. I know you'll do great!!
Happy Blogaversary Chiloe! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing how you get so much stitching done with three kids to take care at the same time. :)
I'd love to be entered in the draw.
This is a great idea - opening it to regular readers. Though I enjoy getting new readers, it's also the faithful following that I want to thank when I do a giveaway.
Anyway, two years?! Wow, congratulations!! Here's looking forward to many more years of happy sharing! :D
Happy blog anniversary :)
Every time I see patterns with lots of green I think of you :D
I have really enjoyed reading your blog, thank you for the pleasure you bring me.
Happy Blogaversary... just looked at your first finish - the Winnie one - so cute!! Thanks for sharing all your fab stitching with us. Here's to another great year ahead. xx
Bon anniversaire à ton blog, que de travail déjà brodé!
Came fait pensé que l'anniversaire du mien qui était le 13 janvier... et je l'ai oublié!
Joyeux Bloganniversaire Chiloe, j'admire ta constance de bloggueuse et de brodeuse. Longue vie à ton blog. Bravo.
Coucou ma belle et joyeux bloggiversaire (euh, ça se dit en français ça???). Je pense que tu sais que je suis ton blog de près. Je passe régulièrement parce que j'adore te lire.
Te fais plein de gros bisous.
PS: Je peux participer aussi mwoa?????
Happy Blogaversary! I didn't read your last post and kind of freaked out when you said divorced. I thought that you meant something else. I hope you all had a great weekend!
Well you know I'm a regular here ;o) I don't have you set up through Blogger because it screwed up my Google Reader :o(
Please enter me in your contest! That is too kind of you Chiloe. Happy Blogaversary!!!!
I've really enjoyed getting to know you and your family more over the past year :o) It's amazing how people just connect now with the use of computers.
A very Happy bloggoversary Chiloe!!! I really love reading your blog, and wait for any updates on your blog. You have been a great inspiration to me to start off my own blog too :)
And about the giveaway, of course I am interested. Please do include me in your list.
Happy Blogoversary! I would love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks.
Happy Blogversary! I just found your blog and you are so encouraging..maybe I can do this blog thing myself after all! It would definitely keep me accountable in stitching.
Happy Blogoversary! I'd love to be entered for your prize draw please if that's ok.
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