Pierre doing fine after having cancer (leukemia) five years ago.
Renting a house after living for too long in an appartment !
Chuy got noticed by one of the big boss that came from Sweden and is now in charge to translate either in english or spanish whenever they need to !!!
Emma decided that english is fun too !!!
Pierre loves his secondary school !!!
Best fun:
My first giveaway where 48 of you stopped by !!! (well, most never came back ) but I got a lot of fun doing it and that's the most important thing, right?
(wanna know a little secret? my blog anniversary is very very soon !!!!
Best cross stitch finish:
It was so hard to finish that one so I'm very proud of myself! Thanks again for your encouraging words !!! Without you, it would have ended up in my UFO's bin ...
Best cross stitch book:
childhood memories by Veronique Enginger. I love it !!!
Best song to clean up:
Mika (almost all his songs will be great to help you scrub your toilet.)
I don't know what will 2009 bring but we should be one of the people touched by the economic crisis because Chuy's company make 18 wheelers ans as you know, everything that have four wheels don't sell well lately. For now, he hasn't loose any money but it should start in january. He's going to work only three days a week... It's in these kind of moments that you are happy to have so many stash !!! Of course, there will always be something I really really want but I have plenty of great kits and charts that are waiting for me.
This year I really want to loose weight !!! I don't stand looking at me on pictures and looking really bad ... I hope I will be able to do it. I also hope my knee will cooperate in my wish to exercise again (something I always enjoyed in the past !!!) I also want to eat more healthy but it's soooooooo hard when you don't enjoy vegetables ... AND when you don't enjoy cooking
There are a lot of 1/2 under the first fuchsia I stitched and I don't enjoy it. I don't know why as it shouldn't make such a difference ... So I decided it was time to stitch again for fun and I started the right flower !!!
beautiful lanarte!, and the good news of your kids, and house are great, is all thing to celebrate.
beautiful finish and congrats for have so much to be thankful for
Woohoo! for a fabulous 2008 for you and your family. I hope 2009 is even better.
I am stitching an Irish piece, so now I can stitch green with you.
Fuchsia is gorgeous.
2008 sounds like it was very good to you :) I hope that 2009 is even better!!!
Your fuschia is looking lovely Chiloe. I need to loose weight too - lets be diet buddies lol. I know you don't like veggies, but do you like fruit, yoghurts, crackers? There's still a lot of healthy stuff you can eat without having to have veggies. My favourite meal when I used to go to the slimming club was egg, chips and baked beans. You'd be amazed how healthily you can cook it. Best chips I ever tasted too. Let me know if you want to know how to do them :o)
Best wishes for a great 2009!
hi chiloe hope this year goes as well as 2008!
Hey Chiloe, shame on those who don't come back 'cuz your a joy to read! (wink) I'm sure they are reading, just not posting and that's ok too! Bless Pierre. He is a gift. Looking forward to your new stitchy year!
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog!! I didn't know about Pierre's cancer. As you know from my blog, I stitch quilt squares for a site that makes quilts for very sick children. It really touches my heart to read their stories and to realize what their families go through! I will remember you, Pierre, and your family in my prayers! Congrats on the new home! Your work on the fushia is very stunning! Take care and have a happy day!
Sounds like 2008 was a pretty great year. :D Here's hoping that 2009 will be even better!
I hope when you look back at 2009 you have lots of nice memories too.
I'll keep my fingers crossed on the job front for you. Hopefully 3 day weeks will be temporary!
Chiloe you have lots of good things to look back on! I hope your family isn't hit too hard by the economy.
Your fuscha is looking gorgeous!
Your fuschia is looking so pretty CHiloe.
LOL at the Mika song for cleaning up to and scrubbing the toilet!
You had so many wonderful things in 2008! I hope 2009 is very kind to you and your family as well.
Good luck with your health/fitness goals. It sounds like you've set your mind to it and that's half the battle (it was seeing a picture of myself that made me get started too).
Great things happened for you in 2008. And 2009 will be even better! :)
P.S. I'm like that bad disease I mentioned on my blog (LOL), I keep coming back!
I hope when you look back at 2009 you have lots of nice memories too.I'll keep my fingers crossed on the job front for you. Hopefully 3 day weeks will be temporary!
You had a lot of great things for 2008!
Love the video. LOL! I would enjoy cleaning the toilet if I could listen to that ;o)
The Fushia is so beautiful :o)
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