I often compare myself as a mother duck: whatever I do (or go) , my kids want to do the same. Today, I couldn't exercise during the day and Chuy (yes, the bad Santa) was sweet enough to do the homeworks with the kids. Of course, the kids saw me and were very excited to exercise too. Pierre would like to loose his baby fat (they are more like Mac donalds fat actually) around his hips because swimming classes will start on may or june at his school. So as a good blogging mom, I couldn't help taking pictures !!! By the way, are you a mother duck? I'm still sticking to exercise !!! Hope I can keep the mojo
Emma working on her abs 

Sale season is back !!! I was able to buy two madame la fée charts !!! And they are available so I'll show them to you as soon as I'll get them (pretty exciting !!!) . If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will recognize them.
Yesterday was the first day of the sales so I went on the hunt for clothes for my kids. I only got the ones that were 50 % off. I didn't buy anything for right now as they are set for this cold winter; they now have clothes for next year. I only bought a pair of shoes for me: I got my first Converse shoes 50% off! I'm very happy because I would have never paid the full price: it's way too expensive here ...
I didn't exercised yesterday at home but with all the walking I did, I think I can count it as an exercise
Wanna see my fuchsia? What I can add to what I said the previous weeks? Still wonderful to stick with it. I'm not bored yet!

Adorable pics! The fuschia is just gorgeous!
de plus en plus beau ton fuschia.
Bonne et heureuse année à toi et toute ta famille.
Your kids look like they are having so much fun. Steb looks a lot like my James, all that blond hair...you were so right about saying the same in a previous comment to me.
I hope you had a nice holiday, reading your blog it looks like you had a very nice time.
Wishing you and your family all the best in 2009!
Your kiddies make excerise look fun. Cute!!
Fuschia is beautiful.
I love looking at your WIP pics of the Fuchsia. It's one of my favourite Lanarte kits and I have been thinking about stitching it for years. Right now I am stitching a different Lanarte kit: Lazy Afternoon. But maybe when I've finished it I will have to stitch the Fuchsia after seeing all your WIP pics :).
Sounds like you had a good shopping trip :)
Cute kiddie photos!
Great stitching. Fantastic that you are not bored yet.
Lots of exercise happening at our house too. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes this morning. Thought my feet might fall off afterwards!
My son loves exercising with me too... especially the exercise dvd's. Although I think his favourite is the exercise ball... I had to buy him his own so that he'd leave mine alone when I needed it lol.
Great pics of your exercising bunch. Yes, it's what I need to be getting into also - congrats for your sticking with it!
Fuschia just gets prettier and prettier!
Lucky you to get those charts on sale!
Ooooh Chiloe, your fuchsias are looking so lovely!
Love the pics of the kids exercising.
Fuchias is stunning. The colours are some of prettiest.
Yep, I'm a mama duck, too. The dogs also try to join in during excercise time here. Very interesting!!
hahaha , adorables les bouts de choux !!!! ma fille nous pique souvent le tapis aussi , en fait , elle s'en sert plus que nous , arf !!
Fantastic pictures! My DH and I have started going out for a walk after our evening meal in the hope of losing a bit of weight! Not sure if it will work.
Your fuchsia is coming along beautifully. Of coure I had to go look at the Madame Le Fee charts didn't I?? Their are some that I relaly like but you're right they are a bit expensive.
Great pictures! Mr. T, who is 6, runs on our treadmill by choice.
I love watching fuchsia grow!
wow you got a lot of comments today :) loving the pics of the execrising kids so cute lol! love your progress on the fuschia too¬
Those pictures are just too cute :o)
I'm so glad you're not getting bored with your Fushia because I want to see it done. LOL!
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