My brother and his family came for the week end and I took advantage to take some pictures of the cousins. Pierre was at his friend's house ( who can beat a Playstation?
) We had a great time all together even though I don't really get along with my brother. (sad when you think we were so close when we grew up ). Anyway, here is Emma and her 6 yo cousin Aurane.

And this is Steb and Romain ( they were born 6 weeks apart). See the silly faces they were making when I tried to take the picture? Silly boys ...

Try number 2:

Thanks to all who entered my giveaway !!! Remember you still have until tuesday to enter (but remember to read here first as this is a special thank you gift for my faithful commenters.) Thanks also for your kind words. Sometimes it's hard to believe that you actually like my blog.

Love your fuchsias! :-)
lovely pictures.
i make a happy dance! my Lanarte is finish!
your fuchsias look great, is a great work!
J'aime beaucoup tes fuchsias, on a vraiment l'impression de regarder une aquarelle.
The kids are adorable :o)
Love the close up picture!
hello, love the pics, love france. fushias are beautiful! stopped by from batw.
Love the childrens faces, all so happy.
Your fuchsias are looking amazing.
Weird how that can happen with brothers, isn't it? My brother and I were practically inseperable for years of our childhood, and we really can't stand each other now. Even though our kids are almost the same age (his eldest and Nick, his daughter and Arden), we have not seen each other in 3 years and have no desire to get together.
I'm glad your kids had a chance to play with their cousins, though. That's great!
The photos are lovely Chiloe:) Isn't it strange how kids always pull silly faces when you want a really nice photo! My eldest always does that!
Fushcias are looking beautiful as always.
holala , elle est trop compliquée encore pour mes débuts ta broderie , mais j'avoue que c'est du tonnerre !!! tu te débrouilles comme un chef!
ils ont une trop bonne bouille tous ces gosses !! plein de bisous
Love the pics - yes, trying to get a picture of my son not goofing off was hard! Fuchsia just gets better and better!
Adorable kids and gorgeous stitching--the flowers are so lovely.
Adorable kids and gorgeous stitching--the flowers are so lovely.
Love the kids, love your stitching :-)
But what I wanted to say is that you don't need to answer to that post. All I meant is that every time I read about Pierre, or see his picture, I'm so thankful that he is healthy and live, and I hope many many other children too.
Just feeling thankful that's all.
And I never wanted to make you cry, because I already cry enough myself :-)
by the way, Vera is almost done!
Oh the cousins look so cute together! Fushia is gorgeous.... whats the plan for when its finished :D I'd be happy to work on one of your UFO's if you want to send it to me, sometimes 20 hours or so gets you over the hump :D
hi chiloe love the new pics of the kiddos steb is getting soo big now :) and so cheeky faced lol and emma's a cutie
great progress on fuschia this week also :)
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