What a huge disappointment this morning when I weighted myself: after two weeks of exercising, I lost only one pound ! ( 500gr)
Two weeks of effort for a single pound (a little pound ...)
I don't know if I should find some relief by eating chocolate or if I should just trash my scale ???
I did loose half a centimeter around each of my thighs and one centimeter and a half around my hip. (my waist thought it will be a great idea to stay exactly the same as two weeks ago
) I started my new exercise video: walk awxay the pounds with the belt (still haven't find the other one - had to order a new one ...
) Well, I think I hurt my shoulder with the belt and one of my knee is not cooperating very well either ...
I hope it won't last too long as I don't want to quit exercising. I don't know when the motivation will come back if I quit just now ... It seems I'm motivated but my body is not ... yet? Anyway, let's try to stay positive: I like the way my upper arms feel and you should squeeze my butt: it's definitely firmer 
Thanks for your new nice messages during the week end. Steb and Emma are doing much better. About Steb's future surgery. I've been living day by day for five years now (since Pierre gor sick) and I don't think it is a good thing ... I know Steb's surgery is not a serious one and that he needs it for his future. It's just that it is hard for me now to think we have to go through another hospital stay. I understand it is hard to understand as we went through a lot of things for Pierre. Maybe that's why it is so hard. It's hard to explain ...
I made good progress on my fuchsia. I probably stitched all the stitches on 2 over 2 and left AGAIN the 1/2 for the last ... After I'm done with this pink tones, I'll move on to orange ones. And you won't be surprised that I'm keeping the "fun" green for the end ...

Give yourself some time. Sometimes the first week or so are really slow, especially if you're replacing the fat cells with muscle cells, which weigh more. Give it another week or two & I'll bet you start seeing a difference on the scales! I remember being so discouraged once when younger and lost nothing the first week and then 6 the next. So you never know - every body is different! Hope all goes well with Steb and it isn't too difficult to go to the hospital again. Stitching looks great!
Sounds like you've gained muscle mass dear. And that's a good thing! Even though it weighs more than fat, it will help you burn more fat in the long run.
Don't worry about trying to explain your feelings about the hospital. I think that all those who are going to get it, got it. I know I did. :) Sending you some hugs and happy vibes your way.
Put that chocolate down! You lost some butt and you're complaining about the waist??? I hope the scale cooporates better next time!
Lovely stitching as always!
What everyone else is saying - muscle weighs more than fat so concentrate on those measurements.
I hate that it seems to be my breasts that shrink first and fastest. :(
After 10 days of 'watching what I eat' and 5 days of exercise (before I trashed my foot) I lost a grand total of ... NOTHING.
Don't give up yet!!!! It's not the amount of weight that you lose, it's the inches, especially around your waist. You should look up Dr. Oz. He's fantastic! He really puts things into perspective for you :o)
It certainly will be hard for you and your family when Pierre goes for his operation. It would be hard on any mother. ((((HUGS))))
WOW! Your Fushias look fantastic!
Yup I agree with Suzanne, trust measurements of thighs butt and waist and not overall weight. There are other benefits to eating healthy and exercising as well. I feel happier and more energetic.
I love those fuchsias. You've made a lot of progress all of a sudden :)
If you are exercising you probably gained muscle, which weighs more than fat, therefore you probably lost more than 1 pound of fat. So don't give up, the fact that you've got a bit thinner shows it's working.
Just keep it going, try not to look at the weighing scale (I know it's hard). Best would be to enjoy it for the sake of excercise than look at the weight loss.
When does Steb turn 5? Am all the more amazed at your spirit!!!
Just keep it going, try not to look at the weighing scale (I know it's hard). Best would be to enjoy it for the sake of excercise than look at the weight loss.
When does Steb turn 5? Am all the more amazed at your spirit!!!
la primera semana no se baja rápido de peso, ya verás que más adelante lograrás bajar lo que necesite.
me alegro que los niños se sientan mejor. y animo con lo de la operación, siempre es dificl..pero saldrá todo bien.
tu lanarte sigue avanzando, aunque los verdes (green) se acercan! animo!
Hey come see me on my blog for an award....and HANG IN THERE! It will start out slow at first but the hard work will pay off.
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