Still packing, still feeling I'm moving as fast as a snail ... Maybe we have too many books, maybe I have too many of everything. My living room is not over, the kids books are not all packed yet ... I think the carton boxes are too big and I'm concerned for the moving. We are going to move ourselves to cut the cost of the whole ordeal ... I'm afraid big boxes = boxes too heavy = broken backs ... 
Tomorrow, wehave a lot of things to do: we need to go to the insurance company to insure the house, to the post office for the change of adress (it's not free here ....
On a happier news, we'll meet the new landlord on monday to check the house and we'll have the K E Y S !!!!!!!!!! And we could start moving some stuffs to the house !!! I'll bring Steb to the house on monday evening because for him it's very abstract. Each time, I pass in front of the house, I cannot believe we're going to leave there very soon !!!
My evening stitching break was really needed even though I felt guilty "wasting" that time.

Well, no wonder you can't decorate for Christmas?!! You need to pack up a house!!
You're forgiven for THIS year, ROFL. (kidding)
That double rent thing is just not nice to you and Chuy.
Good success with the move! I'm thinking of you.
Good luck with the move. It can be a very stressful time and taking breaks are important, so don't feel guilty about your stitching.. The double rent thing is not good, we've had to do that a few times and it is always very hard.
My girls got a little dolls house last time we moved, they packed up their house while we packed ours and then they moved their house to the new house. The other thing I read to help children move to a new house is to move some of their toys in first so they have the idea it will be a happy fun place.
I so love your stitching!
Moving is not much fun usually. And exhausting too. But once you are moved over and unpacked, you will be glad you did it, I'm sure.
Want me to come over and pack a box or two for you? :-) I'll bring some brownies!
Chiloe, you could always leave him coal for Christmas!
the move can be a very stressful,the stitching is very usefull to relax,and recover energy to continue the move.
good luck!
I have had landlords like that in the past. Because I've always had a cat, they usually demand that I pay for new carpeting when I leave. Get real!!
Anyway, good luck with the last days before your move, and try not to stress too much. :)
It really is terrible when people try to take advantage. Why do we have to have people like that in the world?
I'm SO happy for you and your family. I'm sure the move will go smoothly. At least it's not far to go.
Your flower is looking stunning!
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