We spent the day packing, moving boxes. I'm tired, my back hurt and I still can't believe we do have so much stuffs ...
And to add to the fun, the forecast appears to be snowy tomorrow
: double
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope they are wrong. The guy with the moving truck lives one hour from here and usually, it snows there ! Here, it's rare as we live close to the sea. Today, I asked one of my friends to take care of my kids and she also took the daughter of one friend who came to help us. And you won't believe it but she also fed them dinner !!! Yeah for great friends !!!
I don't know how it's going to be tomorrow as my dad is involved in the moving and he is not known to have won the award for the most patient man on earth
We'll see how it goes ...
I want to show a picture of my fuchsia. It's from thrusday as stitching is not in my to do list right now ...
I'll cut internet tomorrow morning. I'll check internet probably on wednesday. I'll miss you my friends !!! Be nice !!!
Hope the move goes smoothly and the snow stays away!!!
Un déménagement sous la neige, j'ai jamais fait, ça doit être sportif.
Essaie de revenir avec un dos entier, tous tes cartons (et enfants), sans trop d'embrouilles avec papa ;)
Allez j'essais en anglais (les corrections sont les bienvenues hein, je ne me vexe pas) :
Moving and snow, at the same time, never did but it should be spicy.
For your big come back try not to break your back. Be sure to check for all your boxes (and kids). Hope you will avoid too many fights with your dad (or anybody, a moving is always full of arguments). It was a try in english, i'm ready for correction for my many many mistakes lol
Good luck Chiloe, hope all goes smoothly and the snow stays away.
Happy moving! Be safe and relax with some stitching!
Don't go overboard and hurt yourself while your packing/moving!
Wow that Fuscha is looking spectacular!!!!
I will miss you. Good luck with the move and I hope to see you on the internet again soon.
bon courage... je croise les doigts pour que la neige n'arrive que quand vous aurez terminé !
à très bientôt...
I hope the moving went well today and I hope you'll get an internet connection soon to you new home.
I'm right there with you Chiloe! Even right down to the impatient father ;o) We'll get through it. LOL!
Your fushia looks like it's opening. Very beautiful.
We'll be waiting for you on this end so come back when you can :o)
You will be missed, my dear friend.
Take it easy in the days you're away.
Love the stitching, as always.
Good luck with the move Chiloe!!be carefull with your back!
When I heard the word Moving, my legs start to shiver. We just moved into our new house 1 year ago and it was a nightmare moving. I hope you get settled down fast and be able to stitch a bit.
I hope that the move goes smoothly for you and your family.
Good luck with the move. I hope you make MANY happy memories in your new home!! Just think - new walls to grace with your lovely stitching!!! :)
I hope moving is going well!
Suerte con la mudanza!!
Espero pronto ya este totalmente estableciada y de nueva a la rutina de siempre :)
Courage, courage, ça te fera des souvenirs !!! Ne mets pas dans le même cartons les enfants et les broderies, ça fera trop lourd !!!!
Tiens-moi au courant pour le swap Enfants de Noël dès que tu peux.
I hope the move went well & that you are all settled into your new home.
I hope your move has gone smoothly and that you're getting all settled in.
Love the Fuschia -- it's gorgeous so far!
You have done a lot of stitching this year! All your projects are just lovely! I look forward to seeig you complete the Fuschia project. :) Happy Holidays!
I hope it didn't snow and that your move went smoothly! Fuschia is coming right along.
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