You remember me venting, complaining, whining, ranting about our small appartment ? (I even hurt my knee on my coffee table the other day: ouch
) Well, I have a great news: we are going to move out !!!
And wait, we are going to rent a HOUSE !!!!
How cool is that? There is a small garden so I could plant flowers (another hobby of mine). It's a brand new house that is not finished yet but will be ready for our big move. We are going to be in the same city. I pass in that street everyday and one day, I saw a sign "for rent" so I decided to give it a try and called. And they chose us !!!
Couldn't believe it myself !!! Here you have to show a lot of papers when you rent something ( how much you earn, your IRS papers, and so on ...) Having a house was always a big dream of Pierre so we're happy his dream can be fulfill
He's going to have his own room while Emma and Steb will share one. It's not a big house but it is a HOUSE and the kids will be able to play outside in a dog shit free grass
Chuy, as a good Texan, is already thinking about his future barbecue and growing his own
We'll be able to invite more people as here it is too small to invite more than 2 people. It will be also easier to invite some of the kids over for a sleep over !!!
Edit : We should move at the begining of december !!!
Today was the first school meeting for Emma and Steb. Both are doing great except that Steb is very very shy in front of his classmates. He volunteers to speak up but hide his head in his chest as soon as he's in front of his friends. The teacher like the way he loves to do everything himself. Emma is still a very good student who loves school. Lately she became passionate about pre history and enjoy learning her lessons. It's so relaxing when everything go well at school
But you may want to see only my smelly man? ( greedy ladies

thats great news about the house chiloe!! do you know when you will be moving in yet? i hope we dont lose you in blogging land for too long :0
Oh yay!! A house!! So glad things are going well at school for all the wee students :D He doesn't look too stinky :D
Very happy for you!! That´s great to move to a house! With me is the opposite. I may have to live in another country and exchange a house to a small appartment.... Will see what the future reserve for me.
Have a great week end!
congratulations for the new home!!
What lovely news, I am so so pleased for you and your family. An apartment is not the easiest place to live when you have active children under your feet, they do need a garden and wow now they will have one.
Congrats on the house! When hubby and I first got married, we were looking to rent and we both wanted a house rather than an apartment. We'd both lived in apartments in college and knew that we wanted our own space (even though it wasn't really our own..still different than an apartment!)
Congratulations on the house! It sounds like it will be perfect.
Oh wow, Chiloe, what fabulous news!! Renting here is also a huge hassle with paperwork. Ugh. Wishing you a happy move!! :D
I'm so happy for you that you will move to a house. Yippee for you and your family!
Congrats on the house. Sounds exciting and the timing is perfect.
So happy to hear the kids are doing well in school.
Your smelly man is really coming along nicely.
Hi - just found you! I'm very glad to hear you're moving from an apartment to a house. You will never regret the garden - leave a space for the kids to grow something too. L
Great news! Congratulations on finding that house! We also dream of moving to a house, we live in one bedroom appartment at the moment and there is not enough room. We are looking for buying a house as soon as we find one we like and can afford. :)
Congrats on your house! The smelly miner is looking great.
That's incredible news Chiloe!!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family :o)
Your smelly man is looking good but maybe because I can't smell him. LOL!
Great news!!
Thats fantasic news! It'll be nice to be settled in for Christmas too! Hope there's a chimney for Santa to come down!
Glad to hear that the children are settled into school - its always such a worry but yours sound fine!
Stitching is as beautiful as ever!
Great news about the house move! Having a backyard is brilliant when you've got kids.
GREAT ! Good news. And welcome in my swap ( je te lis en anglais, je fais des progrès !!!)
Génial, tu vas pouvoir m'inviter au barbecue...
Je suis ravie de ta participation au swap Enfants de Noël ( c'est ce blog que je mets en lien ? )
Bonne semaine
That is wonderful news about the house Chiloe!
Your WIP is looking good:)
Great news about the house. Your smelly man is looking great. Is there much more to go on him?
Congratulations on the bigger house!!! All the best for a smooth and carefree move...make sure you keep an eye on that stash!
congrats on the house! Christmas in a new house...what fun!
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