I don't know why we seem to have an invasion of frogs over the internet. In a lot of blogs I read, I see that a lot of you do frog a lot lately. I am no exception and keep frogging a lot on that one ... mostly the town's name (I always stitched them too high, too low ... ) Even though I do feel I am stitching backwards sometimes, I'm sure you'll see some progress; especially when I decided to quit trying to stitch the town's name and stitch something " wild " 
I added a new ticker: yep, someone is going to turn one year older soon ...
Oh wow! You did get a good chunk done :o) How did you do it with the frogs around?
There does seem to be an outbreak lately...
You've been VERY bad but I want to thank you SOOOO much for my wonderful gift :o) Can you please send me your snail mail address????
Sorry about the froggies, Chiloe :(
Those darn nasty frogs! Oooo is there going to be some exciting things happening in your house? :D
You can travel to so many cities by the coach now! You've stitched a lot. I hope winter chases the frogs away soon. :)
You should've put your birthday ticker up sooner! 11 days is not enough time!
Ca avanace, super :-)
Je vois que tu as commencé les cartons pour ton déménagement et surtout a faire du tri, c'est un mal necessaire ;-)
Super les liens à droite de ton blog, j'adore me promener de lien en lien.
hi chiloe you never gave us enough time to stitch up birthday gifts for you!!! bad girl...if you want to mail me your snail me i will get a package organised and out to you as soon as? btw looking good on the map now i looked and said wow straight away lol
Those bloody frogs!
I love how your map is turning out.
Treasure Map is looking great! Are you doing anything special for your Birthday?
What is frogging????????????Please explain.
I was worried about you! You didn't post yesterday..I logged on to read but nothing!! lol
Sorry about the frogs, seems he is busy with everyone these days.
Your piece looks great.
I'm sorry the frogs are attacking you. Your stitching does look amazing though.
Sorry to hear about the frogs showing up at your place...they find us don't they?
Your piece is absolutely wonderful. Wow you have a big chunk done!
Oh those nasty little bugs, they say that boys with there neat short hair are more lible to get them but my son never did though my daughter did. Also you get them all clear, they go back to school lean against a friend and hey presto they are back again.
Thank you so much for pointing out my mix up with Staci and Marita's blogs. What am I like? Anyway I have apologised to them both on my blog and but the right things up now.
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