First day of CPR
. It went well even though it was a long day. Classes are 8.30 to 12.00 and from 1.30 to 5.00 pm. I learned how to put pressure on a heavily bleeding wound, how to lay someone inconscious on their side and how to help a choking person. With Chuy we learned how to do CPR on babies when Pierre was in NICU. I did use what I learned one day with Esteban who was chocking. Chuy even saved Pierre who was choking on fajitas one day (without having leraned the right way to do it.
I am happy it worked!!! ) Sorry ladies, you're going to be disapointed: I have nothing juicy to tell you ... No cute guys to save (or saving me
) And by the way: no killing breath

I arrived too late to take a good picture of my fabrics so I'm going to show my latest kit bought in England !!! Of course, it's a lanarte kit

y yo que esperaba que nos contaras tus aventuras con los chicos guapos en tus clases de Primeros Auxilios ;) ...bueno al menos hasta ahora nada de malos alientos
Muy bonito el kit que as comprado de Lanarte.
The rose is looking so pretty!
So pleased your first day went well:)
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