So I have a new diploma to my collection. Today, we learned to do CPR on dummies and treat wounds. Sorry Carla, no exciting stories about cute guys because they were none
Tomorrow I have to go shoe shooping for Pierre and Emma. I also have 2 appointments at school with the teachers to check how the kids are doing. I know Emma is as talktative as her mother and I hope Pierre did progress a little bit.
LOL at your course colleagues 'builders bum' as we call it here. And congratulations on your new diploma!
I love your new project. It already looks so pretty.
I have two pair of jeans that keep dropping to show my 'plumbers crack' (as we Aussies call it). Makes me really self conscious when I wear them and I buy extra long t-shirts to hide it.
Congrats on finishing the CPR course and getting your certificate.
Great progress on the stitching front also.
Bonjour les changements de couleur !! Tu t'ai relancée dans un sacré ouvrage !
Bon courage !
I missed alot of your posts, but I'd have to say congratulations on the finishes, the baby mouse was a totally adorable finish. Your new wip is looking great and getting there. Belated happy Birthday to your muffin. Hope he had a great one!
lol me has hecho reir con tu comentario acerca del trasero del chico. no puedo creer que hasta el dummy era feo...que mala suerte jajaja!
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