Will you believe that I'm already thinking of what I want to stitch next?
Yesterday was sooooooooo long and so boring: rain all day, nothing to do (well, you know me, I can always stitch
By the way Karen , I think the ads come from one of my counter: I need to get rid of it and find an ads free one: any advice for a nice counter? What I love with counters, it's not to count the numbers of people but to see where they come from!
Hi thanks for your comment. If you right click on the box and then click on "show picture" it should come up for you. That is a very pretty design you are stitching. My first section was an emergency section. This one will be planned. xx
You are making brilliant progress on this piece. It is so pretty:)
Your flowers are looking beautiful Chiloe.
Re the counter. I don't know about any that show the countries without adverts unless they are ones you pay for.
Since I wrote you that comment about my computer freezing, I've also blue screened twice while being on your blog. It's strange. My ad blocker really mustn't like your blog. The problem is, I do so I keep coming back because 'sometimes', like today, it seems to run ok for me. No freezes or blue screens yet.
PS Have you seen that Carol at Garden of Stitches is having a fabric sale??
Statcounter - www.statcounter.com is what I use.
It's free, and although it doesn't show you on your blog where your visitors come from, you can see who your visitors are in detail through the statcounter site itself.
Worth having a look at, I've used it for years now without having any problems with popup ads.
Beautiful stitching : )
I use site meter [I think] which is free
Hello!! Your blog is very nice!! Sorry my english, I'm better reading than talking!!
That leaf really sets off the colors in the flowers.
Oh yeah! Thanks for the plug in a recent post.
el verde de las hojas hace aun más bonito este trabajo :)
Yo también tengo el kit The Kiss de Lanarte, mi hermana lo vio bordado en una tienda de España y le encanto así que me recomendo comprarlo pues me dijo que es muuuco más bonito de lo que se ve en la foto del kit :)
Great progress Chiloe. Stitching is looking lovley. I had to look at the Lanarte site. Damn! More things to add to the wishlist.
I use blogpatrol for my counter. You can log in and it will tell you where people have come from and also what search questions people used that found your site. For some reason my blog comes up when people google "poo on walls" :grin:
superbe avancée !!!! cela sera pour moi demain.. rien fait aujourd'hui... je profite de mon ordi RAPIDE !!!!!!
je sais.. je suis une très vilaine tentatrice...
Your project looks really good. :)
Thanks for your comment. I agree, he should be there for support, but I doubt he will be.
Hi Chiloe,
My name is Cátia. I´m from Volta Redonda - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.
I don´t speak english, but I`ll try....
I founded your blog in a blog´s friend and I came to visit you.
I´ll add you ok?!?
Kisses and bye.
Tu brodes plus vite que l'éclair... C'est très joli! Bravo.
Chiloe...this Lanarte is fantastic...I know it's a pleasure to stitch just like other Lanarte...!!Very good!!!
The flowers are gorgeous!!
Wow you're flowers are pretty! And it looks like you are making fast progress, too :)
Beautiful progress!
I can smell the roses they are so beautiful!!!
Your flowers are beautiful well done!!
Rhaaaaaaaa c'est beau...
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