Must have !!!
This is a kit I absolutly have to buy from the new Lanarte new collection:
It fits well with our family roots, isn't it? Now I have to check around where I can buy it ... 
And I also saw that one that I'd like to buy one day. It's a Marjolein Bastin:
Que le Marjolein Bastin est joli ! que tu es une vilaine tentatrice ! quand tu l'auras commencé montre-nous vite tes avancées :o) Bisous
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo en cuanto al precio de los Lanarte...son muy caros!!
Very nice designs both of them. I am working hard to resist temptation.
All this not buy stash now may end in a rather large spending spree later though :grin: .
I was very happy with your visit, I am thankful for the compliments, but the works are not all mine, some are of magazines. Your embroiderings are much more laborious and pretty. Greetings
Beautiful designs. I especially like the little birds nest beside the vase - cute.
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