I fell in love with these two beauties: I just love the colors and I think I have the perfect fabric for them !!! I checked what is needed and there are a lot of beads I don't have so I'll wait ...
I almost hate my neighbors: my kids love to play soccer but Steb tend to shoot in the ball a little too hard so the soccer ball ends up to the neighbor's yard. Yesterday, Emma asked the lady to send her the balls (3 were in their yard) and the lady told she was not going to always send them back.
I even witenessed her little girl going to her house with Steb ball (the first one his grand'ma offered him as a baby ... ) When Emma asked for this ball, the lady replied that if she finds it, she will send it back ... I don't know you but if my child takes someone's else stuffs, I won't let them play with it ... And I don't see why it bothers them to send back the balls over the fence ... Wouldn't they be happy if I send them back their soccer balls if one day, their little girls send one over here? People can be so complicated sometimes ... 
I didn't stitch backward last night and if you enlarge, you will see I even stitched some boring background !!! Yeah to me !!!!!!
Yesterday, Google was celebrated this american painter I didn't know and who reminds me Renoir but unfortunately I forgot her name ... 
Today, I'm in a sad mood. I thought I'll stitch watching Miss Potter and actually the movie was sad and put me down ...
I guess it's one of these days when you don't feel well and a little thing put you really down ...
Oh! the Mirabilia´s! they have so stunning colors, and a lot of bead too.
The birdies in yoir snowman look so pretty. Congratulations for make some part of background.( i dont like plain background is har to me stitch it).
i hope the sad mod be gone soon.take care.
Beautiful progress on the snowman!
Miss Potter is such a sad movie but it is a good movie as well. Sorry it made you blue.
Mary Cassatt! I love her paintings.
Great stitching!
That is definitely a movie that I wont be watching. I hate when I purposely don't watch movies because I know they will be sad and someone tells me the end, which is of course sad and bums me out.
Can get to your blog finally!! Never been a MD fan but the first one is really gorgeous and I hope you will stitch the first one first. BEADS!! Did you say beads? I've never been a bead person too, fingers too clumsy to handle beads.
Don't throw any more balls to your neighbours anymore. Throw a bomb the next time ;0)
Must check out this Miss Potter move. I love and hate sad movies.
I love those patterns.
How rude of your neighbours! I always toss balls back over the fence if they come into our yard. Once our neighbours kids climbed over the back fence to get their ball and discovered me sneaking out in my underwear to get washing off the line. Now they always knock on our front door :grin:
Before moving to Europe, I had no idea how critical good neighbors are to one's happiness. I've had some dozies since living in Holland, but our current neighbors really are remarkable. That said, I will be VERY RELIEVED when their youngest son (18 years old) moves out. LOL!
Good luck with everything. I hope you're feeling cheerier!
So sorry your neighbors aren't nicer:(
Such pretty progress on your snowman! This piece is just adorable!
Hope you're not so blue today.
Oh I love the little birdies in your piece. They look so joyful. You made some great progress.
The Mirabilias are really very beautiful!
I've often watched Miss Potter while stitching on her Quaker sampler. The story is a little sad on times but I love the end.
Oh I love the little birdies in your piece. They look so joyful. You made some great progress.
The Mirabilias are really very beautiful!
I've often watched Miss Potter while stitching on her Quaker sampler. The story is a little sad on times but I love the end.
Those fairies are beautiful! Good progress on your snowman.
Sorry to hear about your neighbours.
That is a mean neighbour! Hope you're feeling happier today!
Love those fairies. Don't they make the most beautiful designs.
Your snowman is coming along nicely too. That background just gives it some punch.
Neighbors can be a right pain can't they. So sorry they are being difficult.
Love the new charts. Snowman is adorable! Neighbors can be just a godsend or your worst nightmare. I had a friend who would lure their cats into her yard into traps with tuna and then turn them in to the animal control. They had a problem with this for years. Too weird. Hope you can work out the problem! Hope today is better!
your snowman is coming along really nice. I love the new mirabilia designs, but I've not had the courage to start one yet
doesn't sound like your neighbours are very nice, that's not too good
Lovely! I hope you get the patterns :)
Well that's not very nice! I agree, sometimes people are just too hard to understand.
Ah! I see TWO new birdies!!!! YAY!
HUGS my friend. Hopefully you feel better.
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