First I want to thank you for your nice thoughts about Steb. He's really fine but doesn't enjoy the medecine in his nose ... (and I don't blame him !!!
Margie gave me this award
Here is the meaning of the award ...
"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. "
"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. "
The rules state that I am to pass this on to 8 other bloggers.
It's always difficult to pick only eight bloggers but it's also fun to share the joy of receiving one award !!!
1 Marita
2 Yvonne
3 Shel
4 TDKquitmom
5 Lauralness
6 Carla
7 Pumpkin
8 Doris
I really hope you will spread the joy of giving, ladies !!! (I hit the publish button before I finished this sentence ... sorry about that ...)
One fellow stitcher was selling some kits on a bulletin board and I took advantage to buy this cute Lanarte kit for a reasonnable price: (Emma wants me to stitch it for her .) I love the colors !!!

I kept working on the reindeer and I finally finished is body !!! I have nothing against browns but I guess I need happy colors to keep me happy
If you want to know if you are a possible serial killer, do the visual test on Meari's blog !!! (or you may want to avoid it
Have a great week end !!!
Ah, j'adore les modèles de Maria Van Sharrenburg, que du plaisir. Là, tu me fais envie, grrr.
The new chart is pretty! Great that you are done with the browns and get to stitch the snowman again. It looks like it's going to be finished very soon.
Only two days and we are in France! :)
Wow, very good progress on the reindeer. Enjoy your new kit, it looks very nice.
Glad to read that Steb is doing fine now. I can believe he doesn't like the medicine, this isn't fun.
Wow, lovely progress on the snowman!
Your new kit is looking so lovely too. I have stitched one of those kits too and they are so much fun to stitch them.
congrats on your award, you do deserve it.
Ese diseño de Lanarte es uno mis favoritos, se vera genial en el cuarto de Emma !!!
El snowman se ve muy bien...parece que ya no falta mucho para que lo termines!!
lovley stitching, the new stash is gorgeous!.
Oh dear your poor son I do hope the medications are not for long and that his nose will soon be healed.
Snowman is growing well - another that will be a stunning finish (one day roflmao).
Congrats on the award Chiloe and thank you for nominating my Blog :)
Lovely kit and your snowman is really coming along nicely.
I hate to admit it but those pictures are moving for me :S Hopefully I'm not too unstable. LOL!
You are definately a lanarte addict!
Your snowman is looking great and congrats on your award!
Ola amiga,
Seu blog esta lindo, parabens pelos trabalhos e pela familia, lindas fotos.
Tem um mimo Pedagogia do abraço, pra vc no meu blog, passe lá. Beijos
Maria Luisa
Chiloe, you rock. :-) I have to admit I am horrible about posting blog awards but you are the second person to give this one to me within the week, so I'm gonna have to make an effort. Thanks so much doll for doing it.
Thanks you for the award Chiloe!! I hope that you had a great weekend and that Steb is off his medicine soon.
That kit is ADORABLE!
Yo tengo hecho ese MVS y queda aún más bonito al natural que en foto ¡buena elección!.
El muñeco de nieve te está quedando estupendo ¡Felicidades!
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