Not so much brat but spoiled for sure
You may have noticed I didn't blog as regularly as before. I don't why ... maybe I lost my blogging mojo or maybe the garden took my blogging time. Anyway, I'm late at showing at what I got in the mail lately !!!
I won a giveaway on Shel blog! It was for a lovely popppy kit from a magazine. I was the very happy winner and look at what she sent me: a snowman chart that I already saw on some blogs and I always loved it! Of course , Shel didn't know it but I couldn't have been happier !!! Thank you Shel for the little surprise !!!

Then Pumpkin surprised with a little and inexpected gift. She read on her comments that I've never stitched with silks (I can only imagine the softness of those threads going trough the fabric !!!) Well, she decided to change that and offered me two flosses for me to try! Isn't she sweet?
I secretly think she loves to play with my address
(and I secretly love it to tell you the truth !!!

Michelle was giving away some old magazine and I asked for the Cross stitch and needlework magazine: she was very nice to accept to ship here. Thank you Michelle, I really appreciate it 

I also won a giveaway on a french blog. Melinette sent me a very nice, I thought I took pictures but couldn't find them so click here to see what I got. Merci Melinette !!!
I learned how to underline something as there are no shortcuts on Blogger (I thought you might be interested as well !!! ): To underline text, place a u inside <> in front of the word you want to underline and /u inside <> after the words you want to underline. These are html tags... which specify underline, you need to use html to underline text.
And last but not least, my snowman. The reindeer is not as exciting as the snowman so I'm having less fun stitching browns and grey but I won't give up !!!
Thanks for your lovely comments and support! I really appreciate it !!!
You've a some good mail days, girl!! Lucky you. :) Snowman is looking great and glad to see he has a couple of buddies now.
Well, you've received awesome gifts! Love the snowman and friends!
Teu teu teu, tu ne commences pas à trouver des endroits ennuyeux ou je ne sais quoi ! Déjà que ces pauvres fuchsias sont en train de dépérir on ne sait trop où... ;)
you have been so lucky , what great mail dates.
Qu'il est mignon ce renne!
Ce modèle est vraiment joli.
Tu fais les coquelicots après?
Snowman is looking awesome!
You're spoilt to the bones! All great gifts!! I think you're good at blogging. I do read updates from you like every 3 to 4 days and I always look forward to read them.
ooohhhh... is that VC silk hiding behind that skein of Dinky Dyes? You will get addicted to HDF silk. I love to use her silk. Really smooth and soft. Wish I can buy all her solid colour silk.
Btw, I can never get my comment over to you after the I post. They only get through after I press Post Comment twice.
Hey, congratulations on your lovely new goodies! I'm sure you'll enjoy them all! :D
Did you like hug your postal worker when they showed up? lol! Oh you are gonna LOVE the silks! Can't wait to see what you think of them.
Wonderful RAK and giveaway prizes!
Your snowman looks wonderful!
OOOHHH there are some lovely things there. Your snowman is looking great.
I keep loving that snowmen!! Congrats on your winning too. It is always fun if you win something.
beautiful gift,and lovely stitching.
Great gifts!!
que suerte has tenido ultimamante...estan lindo los premios recibidos!
El muñeco de nieve va quedando genial!
Great goodies received!
Your snowman is coming along great.
Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog.
Thankyou for poping over to my blog,
Well done on your prizes, love that snowman too,
Take care
Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
You are on a roll!!!! What a great mail week for you :) I'm glad you liked the silks.
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