Today I'm sick: I have a sore throat and I feel cold.
Emma didn't go to school because she had a tummy ache and she didn't feel ok.
Yesterday, we went to our local amusement park with a group of friends (mainly families from the kids school.) so I guess it didn't help because the weather was not really on our side: some shower at first then a gray sky almost all day. Of course, the kids didn't care and had a blast !!!
This one is new but is not that scary:

Pierre is on the left:

He even tried the pirat boat but all the other kids kept telling him: Pierre , you are very white !!!

Steb decided to try a mild roller coaster but he didn't like it: it was too scary.

He also wanted to do like the big kids who crossed the bridge. He did it with the help of a friend:

I was surprised when he enjoyed (a lot) the rafting boats because the starting point is quite high:

He was not afraid and he did it several times !!!

I spent a lot of time on the water with Steb who really enjoyed those boats !!!
And here is my snowman preogressing steadily :

Looks like you are raising a sailor! See you stitched some green. Not so bad now?
Waouu, il faut savoir vivre dangereusement ! Moi et mon vertige, nous nous contenterons des petits bateaux et de la broderie, merci.
Sounds like we are some long lost twins. I am down with a bad flu (not so bad yet) and was at a funpark yesterday too. Your Snowman is coming along really nicely.
wow nadine you are doing so so well with the snowman, looks like you all had fun yesterday too steb is getting so big and grown up lol, not such a baby anymore!!! let me know when the postman comes!!!
the snowman look really cute,i like the squirrels.
oh you baby boy,maybe is a future sailor,or marine biologist :D
congratulations to Pierre,, this thing (park atracctions) look to scary to me.
i hope you and Emma feel better soon,take care.
Get well, soon!
Gotta love the snowman! Take care of yourself and Emma too - feel better VERY soon!
Oh lol my DH HATES that pirate ride! I LOVE it...go figure....I hope you're feeling better soon! NOT a fun time to be ill with all of this crazy piggy flu going around.
Hope you will feel much better soon.
Those are really lovely pictures. Looks like you all had a great time.
Love love love your stitching!!! The snowman is so cute.
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon :o( Maybe there is something in the mail that will show up and brighten your day...
Looks like the kids had a fantastic time :o)
Ah, your snowman has another friend!
holala , quelle sortie !!!! c'est un régal pour la puce à chaque fois ..nous on va à Ok Korral dans le sud près de la mer ....cet été , rebelotte , on va y passer une journée avec les cousins , on va revenir morts comme d'habitude , hahahaha
Soignez vous bien !
Oh, what a fun day you had at the amusement park. I used to love going to those places!
I'm sorry you're not feeling well today. :(
Your snowman looks adorable. Very nice!
Your snowman is looking lovely!
J'ai un fils malade en voiture, alors tu imagines bien qu'il ne réclame pas ce style de manège ;-)
Tu brodes bien et en plus un thème hivernal, tu as raison, c'est comme cela qu'il faut faire pour etre prete au moment voulu!
I hope you and Emma are feeling much better today. The park looks like a hoot.
Your snowman is looking so adorable.
Aw, the snowman looks wonderful and the pics are great!
Hope you get well soon. Nothing like a distraction (park) to help keep your mind off of the sickness, some.
Your pictures are great. Glad you all had fun.
Hope you both feel better soon! Love the snowman!
I hope you and Emma are already on the mend.
Love the snowman! I was catching up on your posts. I have heard that people coming here from Mexico should limit contact with people so I agree that the speech therapist should have canceled her appointments. I think that was the right thing to do.
Great job on the snowman.
Looks like a fabulous day out. Sometimes going out in bad weather is best because others stay away.
Hope you are feeling better now.
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