Really. Last night, we were watching a news show where they showed a report how body piercings can be bad for the health. I thought: this is going to be an educational moment with my kids like: don't do that or your belly button is going to be eaten by a bad bacteria. As soon as the report started, Pierre, 12 yo, said very happily: I want a piercing in my ear !
A what? Yeah, I want one in my ear !
And this just happened the day after we had a talk about how tattoos really hurt, especially boys who scream when their 4 year old brother barely touch them .... Because tattoos use needles that have to penetrate IN the skin in order for the ink to really really stay there and there is no magical cream that can take the pain away ... And this come after wrestling fashion has invaded his world ... He now workships Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy : I told him he should workship mathematics instead but he doesn't seem to agree with his wise mom ... So, if in 6 years from now you meet a woman walking near a tatooed pierced looking weird 18 years old wearing a tee shirt with a wrestler on it, don't pass your way: it's going to be me ...
(special thanks to the legislators who passed a law that require parents to sign for kids under 18 yo who wants a tatto and a piercing. I'm going to write them to see if they can do something for the wrestling for underage kids ). Now, I'm going to google to find a DNA testing somewhere ... (I honestly doubt someone will have wanted my sick newborn but I have to make sure, right? )
Emma is home: she has a cold so we didn't send her to school this morning. I didn't mention it before but school is not as nice as it used to be for her as she now has the substitute teacher from hell. The kids hate her, the parents don't like her either ... Let's be positive and think there are only five weeks left before summer vacations start ...
How I feel? I think I'll try to follow Barbara's advice and write down the positive things in my life on a list. Difficult to be positive when after only three days of work, Chuy is already on week end and will be off next week ...
I stitched more boring blue last night. I was complaining how boring it was to Emma and she said " it's you who bought it" Well, I know and next time, I'll use a hand dye fabric (and I'll whine about stitching all the white

Pierre and Nick sound like they might get along pretty well, despite their age difference. LOL. We know he's ours, as he was never out of sight, but sometimes I do wonder what genes combined to make him. LOL!!
Your puiece is so cute
Your stitching looks great - the blue will soon be done!! My daughter wants her nose pierced next year when she's 16 !!! I think not!!!
I just enjoyed to read the story about the tattoe and the piercing. Who knows within a couple of years you won't be the only mother who is walking next to her son with tattoes :)
Love your stitching. Even with the boring blue it is coming along so nicely ;)
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Snowman is so adorable! Hope you have a great weekend.
I really love that snowman and your stitching is beautiful. I found it fun to read about the tattoe and piercing!
Positive things.... Your DS can't get tattoos (lol)... your daughter only has 5 more weeks of school left... you're able to stitch away the stress :) How am I doing?
OK, now about me... The said part about your wrestling commentary is that I actually know who Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy are. LOL... and there are no men that live in my household :O
P.S. As always your stitching is gorgeous!!
oh,piercing and tatto, i like it,but i am scary for the bacterias (bad ones), is too dangerous.
stitching background is so boring,,i understand you.
i hope Emma feel good soon,only 2 week more, and summer vacation start. Here is in 3 weeks more :(
Love your stitching even though you may not right now. :)
Good luck with Pierre. Kids!
Hope Emma's school year passes by quickly and she's feeling better soon.
You're almost there on the blue! You'll look back and say "what WAS I thinking when I bought this?". I do that with my what did I do today? I ordered fabric to do my first HEAD. uh oh......
My two DD's are recovering from the icky creepy. They bounced back quick.
Good progress on stitching that boring background. At least you can just stitch away without looking at the chart every moment.
I hope Emma's cold will be gone soon. And then think of the school holidays - I'm douing this too although here we still have 8 weeks, sigh.
Chiloe, you are too funny sometimes! I'm sure it's just a phase. Hopefully he'll forget about it soon. Fingers crossed for you!
Emma is quite a bright little girl ;o) I hope the next five weeks will go by fast for her sake.
I think Barbara is right, maybe you should right down the positive things, no matter how small they are. It might help. We hate to see you blue :o)
Maybe he is my son!! I just got my lip pierced for the second time. Which now makes, two lip piercings, one in my right ear, three in my left and one in my nose. And three tattoos (and more planned).
You need to show Pierre that link off my blog, why have fake wrestling when you can have GBH!
wow...your stitching looks cute and beautiful
So difficult when the children have a teacher they do not like. Annie had a substitute teacher she really disliked for a week last term and I think that experience right when she was just starting school really unsettled her.
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