Today I decided to add Twitter to my blog. I'm new to Twitter but I find it fun to be able to write little things about my daily stuffs. I don't have any followers but as soon as I registered, one person asked me if I wanted to follow him/her to watch videos of Brittney Spears naked ...
Well, no thanks, I barely stands her with clothes on so I have no desire to see her butt naked
My nickname was already taken (apparently by a german woman ...
) so I had to choose: Chiloe_ .
On sunday, we went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate my grand'ma 88 birthday !!!
The restaurant was really nice but fancy so even though we warned Pierre that he may not have his fries, he was showing the whole world how unhappy he was about the menu. I don't know when he will stop being so difficult ... We tried so many things like warning him before we go but it seems nothing works ... I know it's probably hard for him too to not be like his brother and sister who seem to handle life better than him ... Of course, they didn't suffer two different life threatening illenesses so it's hard to compare their life's journey ... but Pierre is hard to understand and we are so tired of his behavior ...
Here is my grand'ma getting her birthday cake prepared by the restaurant. She didn't expect it and even though she didn't really want anybody to know, she was delighted !

So did I stitch this week end ? Yep, I did !!! I added a cardinal; stitching some reds was a nice break from the browns but of course, it didn't last long until I went back to stitch browns again ... You may have noticed I stitched some backgound because I try to avoid you my future whines
LMAO!!! I must check out this Twitter thingy. Hopefully someone will ask me whether I want to see Vin Diesel naked!
I guess a lot of kids are very fussy with food. My 4 uear old daughter was like that too. I got fed up one fine day and told her to eat what's on the table, else she goes hungry. I did that like 100s of times and it finally worked though she will not eat much of them. I know Pierre had been though some difficult times and I also know that your patience is endless toward him :0)) It will be fine.
Happy Belated Birthday to you Grandmum! What's the flavour of the cake, btw?
Oh, I got the recipes from the Japanese lady! In fact it is a Japanese baking book!! It is like reading Tamil for me!
Loving the progress of your snowman. The colours of the cardinal adds to the beauty of this whole wip.
Nice pic of your grandma - hope things sort out with Pierre. It is hard to understand our children sometimes! Snowman is still adorable!
the snowman look so cute,lovely stitching.
maybe pierre behavior is tipical teeneger age?.
Don't worry about Pierre, I wouldn't eat anything until I was about 15 and it didn't hurt me a bit. Now the only thing I really don't like is peas...
LOL @ an invite to see Brittany Spears nakkie! I really don't get the whole twitter thing and think it's silly.
Nice photo of your g'ma. Too bad she wasn't very grandma-y to you growing up. Rest her soul, my grandma was good to me and I have nothing but good memories.
Your snowman is fabulous! You're such a fast stitcher. I'm so jealous.
Wow you did get a lot of stitching done!!!!
OH I just LOVE your snowman!!
I really feel for you with food and Pierre. Mac does the same thing except his likes and dislikes changes daily so what ever is fixed for supper you can gurantee he isn't going to like. Now my girls will eat just about anything that is put in front of them!
Your little cardinal looks great! It's wonderful that your family could all be together to celebrate with your grandma.
You're so lucky to have your Grandmom! What a blessing. I need to live that long too so I can still stitch!!!! I can't believe how much you are just crusing on that snowman. Girl, you put me to shame. Brittney naked? Uh....ew.
Children can be so difficult at times and yet they bring so much joy we wouldn't be without them. Pierre does sound a lot like my teenage nephews. Time and patience and constantly repeating yourself and it does eventually pay off but it is oh so hard.
Your stitching looks great :D
I've added you to my twitter feed :)
Snowman is coming along great. Hope Piere's behavior get better soon.
have a good week.
Happy Belated Birthday to your Grandma. What a lovely photo of her.
Your snowman is looking lovely:)
Your Grandma looks so cute in that picture! LOL! My mother's mom has always been a very nasty person and finally pushed me away. I can't tell you the last time I saw her. I have a better Gram though that I know loves me :o) I'm sorry you had to deal with that as well.
Your snowman is so sweet! You must be close to being done. When are you bringing out the Fushias again???? ;o)
I'm with Yvonne---Vin Diesel nekkid is a WHOLE 'nother matter. I agree-we've seen enough Britney! The snowman is really coming along!
Lovely picture of your grandma, she looks really happy!
Hope things will work out with Pierre. I can understand that it is not always easy for you. How old is he ?
Love your stitching! It is coming along nicely.
Happy Belated Birthday to your beautiful grandmother:)
Love your stitchings!!!
Our kids go through phases sometimes where I'd gladly sell them. LOL. Just joking! No, but they do have times that are just SO difficult, and of course they're at their worst if we go out in public. It's just part of parenting. I hope Pierre stops being such a PITA soon!
Your stitching looks great and your Grandmother is obviously delighted at the surprise of her cake!
You are more brave than I am -- I have not even checked out Twitter, much less registered for it. LOL! It's all I can do to keep up with stitching and blogging! Have fun! :)
a very nice picture of your grandmother and what a blessed age! Your snowman is so beautiful and I am also a big fan of dimensions!
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