Thursday, March 5, 2009

Want to see more?

I cannot resist showing you my last night progress. Isn't he cute? I scanned a larger portion of the fabric so you can have a better idea of the color. I have a problem though: the shading around the characters. The designer gives the colors for a greyish fabric and recommands changing the colors to match our own fabric. I don't really know what to do to pick the colors to get the shading effect ??? Any ideas? I'm not really good at being on my own when I have to make artistic choices ...

Monday: 5 miles
Tuesday: 4 miles
Wednesday: nothing, nada ... my body rested
Thursday: 5 miles

Sounds good, right? but my back starts to hurt (and should I mention the back of my ankle who is not happy with me either ? ) Why can't my body follow me when I have enough energy and the mojo to work out? It seems it always fails me at one point or another ... It's so annoying ... I wanted to do another 5 miles tomorrow but I'm not sure it's really wise ... It really bothers me as my goal is to exercise 6 times a week ... I'm not on a diet so exercise is the only way I can shred those extra pounds I carry around ...


Anonymous said...

Go into your thread stash and bring out all the tans and browns you have. Now lay them against the Boo! fabric. Find the one that is closest in color. It doesn't have to be exact, but close (not too dark, not too red, not too green). Now look up the color name on the DMC page. Let's pretend that it is Tan, Light. There should be other threads in that color family, like Tan, Medium or Tan, Dark. Find those colors and pick one that is darker than the fabric, but not too dark. You could even do a few sample stitches to see if you like it. You may need to go three shades darker. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

hi chiloe how you been doing recently i havent been around or commenting much as have been doing loads of stitching for pressies etc...nice progress on boo! speak to you soon

Carmen said...

calma calma,el cuerpo a veces da esas señalas para bajar el ritmo,hasta que vuelve a estar fuerte para seguir, es mejor parar un poco y luego continuar,que sobre exigirse y luego,estar semanas sin moverse.

elvampiro es muy tierno.

tkdquintmom said...

Hi doll! You can email me ANYTIME at:
I LOVE how he is turning out...he needs little fangs! LOL

Carolyn NC said...

Cute stitching! At least you're exercising, but when your body tells you to rest, it's a good idea. I learned the hard way years ago, and have stiff knees as a result. Of course, I might have had stiff knees anyway, as I need to lose a few myself! LOL

mainely stitching said...

Sounds like Kathryn had good suggestions for the shading. I'm kind of hopeless with that.

I sympathize with the exercise. My foot is still very painful and I haven't been able to do much of anything between that and the bronchitis/asthma. Like you said, it's as if our bodies were working against us!

Sally said...

Your new start is looking so cute!

You have won an award on my blog if you have time to drop by:)

Sorry if you get a comment twice from me on this post. My browser doesn't want to behave today!

Púpava said...

Dear Chiloe, your stitching on BOoo looks great! I am passing you an award, see my blog :-)

Wendy said...

I love your new start! It looks great on the fabric too!

Pumpkin said...

He is so cute :o) I'm not sure what to tell you about the shading.

I think our problem is we have problem realizing that we're getting older and so are our bodies :o( Maybe try little but often?