My dad felt a lump where he got his surgery to remove an inguanal hernia. So this morning, they went back to the hospital where he got a sonogram. Well, the hernia is back
( and big: 7 cm) and the bad news is he has to have another surgery on thursday ... He's devasted as he didn't expected to have another surgery and he's not the kind of man who loves medical stuffs.
He doesn't really know how it could have happened; maybe during his sleep ... Let's hope everything goes well ...
Look at what we got back:

Yeah: I finally found the Hannah Montana wig Emma was supposed to get for Christmas !!! She was literally
!!! And you won't believe where I found it ... with my cross stitch fabrics
When we moved, I put all my Monaco fabrics stored in plastic tubes in one bag and I guess I thought the wig was in a safe place with my precious fabrics
(except after that I never imagine the wig could be there and it was all along in my bedroom .. )
I'm still working on the border
Thanks again for stopping by. I am so behind in my blog reading and commenting. On sunday, I tried to comment more and I hope to get back to my former routine soon 
Emma looks cute in her Hannah Montana wig! Keep up the good work - your Halloween is almost done
emma looks so different in the wig she kinda suits it too lol! boo is looking great, i am also stuck on a border at the minute all blue!!! grrr! well i am sorry to hear about your dad i hope he feels better was things with pierre the other day then?
I hope your dad will be just fine. I'm sorry he has to have another surgery.
OMG - this sounds like our household. I don't think a year goes by when I say at the end of the day - Hey, I had something else for you.... where did I put it. Sometimes it doesn't show up for months - or years....!!
Your stitching looks great. Keep up the good work on the border. I'm not a fan. I get so bored with borders. They should be called boreders!
So sorry about your Dad :(
Boo is looking amazing. I know what you mean about getting bored doing the border, they can be really tedious but the end result is worth it.
Congratulations on finding the wig, Emma looks very cool in it :)
I'm sorry to hear about your dad :o( Especially having to go again!
LOL! I guess you hid that present well ;o)
It's looking lovely Chiloe! You're getting there!
Cute wig! She looks like she loves it, what a nice find.
Don't worry, everything will go well for your father. I just woke up and when I saw Emma,I had to rub my eyes and thought 'isn't she different this time?' The hair looks so real! Isn't it always like that? That each time you put some precious thing at a place where you thought it is the safest and you can definitely find them and in the end it is always the last place you look. Same like my mailbox key.
Tu es presque à la fin de Boo. Un dernier coup de collier et tu a fini. Comme ça tu pourras terminer tes fuschias tranquillement après ;)
Et merci pour la calculette sur le côté, super pratique !
I hope your dad will be fine. Emma look cute like Hanna Montana.
the stitching look great.
I wish your dad will get well soon after the surgery.
Our home eats stuff too! I just saw my cousins sunglasses and thought I should put then somewhere safe and now I can't find them! She keeps waiting for them to show up since the sun surely has now. :D
BOoo looks great. Just try to bear with the last dark shades and it'll look even greater.
I keep my fingers crossed that everything is going fine for your Dad and that he doesn't have too much pain.
Love your Boo, you are close to a finish!
Love the wig! Hope your dad is able to recover quickly from all this and it fixes everything. Boo is almost done - keep on coming!
So glad you found the wig! I have to laugh at your hiding spot. LOL.
Best wishes to your father.
Hope your dad does fine and recovers quickly.
Black, I mean Boo is looking great as ever
trop mignonne cette fée!
I hope your father recovers from the nasty hernia...
what a pretty girls in that lovely wig.
Boo is looking great!
Thanx for the comment :-) Well, I am excited too about our theater beeing nominated, although I won't be taking part in the performance, as having a fresh baby at home at that time.
My pregnancy is going well, at least I hope ;-) I have a check by the doctor tomorrow, so lets see. And, yes, I know it will be a girl, she showed us at the last ultrasound check what a girl shouldn't, but hey :-D
We will give her the name Anna.
I am sorry about your father, I hope the second surgery will go OK and he wouldn't need any more surgeries.
Emma looks lovely in that wig :-)
LOL, I knew right away what Emma was wearing! I remember when you lost it. Cute!
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