Today was not a good day so I bought myself some chocolate ...
Pierre had a little attitude today: he didn't want to go to the speech therapist so he complained he had a migraine and he didn't talk nice to her
He really got me mad especially because I am not happy with the way he behaves at home lately. I know school can be hard for him but he doesn't make a lot of efforts either, like learning his history or geography lesson by memory ...
So my day is pretty down as I'm rather disapointed by my son and even the afternoon walk with my mom and the kids riding the bicycle didn't cheer me up ... so I ended up buying chocolate in the hope of feeling a little better with more fat around my waist ...
or at least, I won't be cold next winter, right? 
Anyway, this is what I got today from the Leslie Sansone's newsletter. I thought that might interest some of you or at least, give some motivation to keep exercising !!!
It worked for me but now, I have to convince the back of my ankle that I really need to exercise everyday !!! 
"Winter can be long and sometimes we feel like we won’t see the light of Spring ever again! Walking is actually just as effective as antidepressants in treating mild or seasonal depression. Physicians recommend adding regular walking as a natural treatment to relieve a bout of depression. The cause of depression is related to brain chemistry. By getting your brain to release more of the happy chemicals - the endorphins - you achieve naturally what many prescription drugs and herbs try to do artificially. Here's something to look forward to: If you walk everyday for 30 minutes, you can expect to drop 2 lbs. per week. That means you'll be 12 lbs. slimmer in six weeks! Get a jump start before Spring - less than 2 weeks away!
Losing just 5 lbs. of pure body fat from exercise can make you look like you've dropped 10 lbs. Your change in dress size will be even more dramatic because all that walking uses up fat and builds lean, sleek muscle, giving you the tone you want. That is one reason you should walk off the weight instead of just cut down on calories without boosting your activity level. Dieting only leaves you with a smaller version of yourself, while losing weight through activity really shapes and proportions your body... just one more thing to be happy about as you walk your way to a healthier body in time for SPRING! "
Here is BOoo! The orange is more orange in real life. I don't really like the cat (more scary than spooky) but wouldn't know how to change it so I'm stitching it anyway. I also started stitching the border as I'm not a border person ( I didn't stitch it on Beary sweet memories and onTreasure map) but here, it is a part of the design so I'm doing it. I better stitch it little by little than getting bored at the end with all this black ...

cada cierto tiempo a los niños les da por no quere estudiar,ni esforzarce en nada.incluso hasta les disgusta bañarse, dicen que es algo temporal,que pero es la pubertad y la adolescencia, cómo extraño la etapa de pañales!!!.
preciosos colores en el BOoo.
para ser solidaria contigo,comí un osito de gominola haribo! es que no hay chocolate en casa :(
J'aime beaucoup la sorcière sur ton Boo, qui devient de plus en plus chouette.
Le chocolat, de temps en temps, est nécessaire pour éviter de balancer des tas de choses par les fenêtres (vaiselle, mari, enfants, ce genre de trucs).
Passe une bonne soirée.
Children go through phases in life. I bet Pierre is having one of those phases too :0) My 4 year old DD hasn't been behaving herself too, as if she is going through puberty :0)).
Don't mind about the cat. I am sure the whole picture will look lovely once it is done. I hope when we all wake up tomorrow, it will be better day for all of us.
A mi tampoco me gustan bordar orillas y cuando hay no las bordo. Y espero que su hijo se porte bien pronto saludos Lizette
Hopefully tomorrow will be better! Boo looks cute!
Sorry to hear that you had a rough day. I hope that Pierre will see that by making an effort, the things around him become more fun and more WORTH making that effort. But the first bit has to come from him. Good luck!
Chin up Chiloe! We all have those times with our kids. Just keep being the good example to him and he will come 'round. Chocolate always helps a little right? Just not too much! I needed to see that walking quote today. It has inspired me to continue trying! thank you!
I know how you feel. I have a 5 year old for the moment who is not behaving very well! He is trying us, how far he can go! Somewhere else he is a good boy, but at home he is something! His teacher said that this is only for a period they are doing that. So I hope this will go over some day.
I hope today has been better! And, Boo is looking great!!
I'm sorry about the struggles you are having with Pierre. Hope you can find some way to sort it out.
I shall have to remember that bit about loosing just 5lbs can make you look like you lost 10lbs, I like that :)
I'm sorry to hear this :o( We all need some chocolate once in awhile so don't be too hard on yourself.
I agree, that cat does look scary!
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