Pierre started swimming lesson at school today so last night, we made sure he had everything: swim suit, hat, and towel ( first he wanted to take the towel he uses for his shower but I said no, it's too big. He then looked at me with horror and said: " I'm not going to take the Bob the builder towel? "

My progress on BOoo ! We don't really see the fabric color on this picture but you have an idea, right? (I still haven't worked on the shading ... that's going to be a hard thing to do ... )
I did try a 5 miles walk today and the back of my ankle didn't like it at all so I may stop exercising until it gets better ... I may try weight training instead ... I'm not very happy about it because I feel I need an aerobic exercise to loose the extra weight I have ...
Love the swim goggles! Great stitching progress too! I feel like I stitch incredibly slooooooow.
I hope your ankle feels better soon. Could your shoes have any part in it?
and the stitching!!
I hope you can find a solution for your ankle. GREAT pictures of the kids!!
What a lovely pic of your two little angels together.
Great progress pic to Chiloe.
Your kids look so cute. :)
Boo looks very cute as well - the little witch is adorable.
You have such cute kids, and your stitching looks great!
Boo is moving along nicely! Your kids are so cute! Hope you can get back to the kind of exercise that you want soon.
lindas fotos de tus ángeles.
el bordado Booo, lce muy bonito,la brujita es muy tierna-
Espero que tu tobillo mejore pronto.
That is a very cute picture of your kids! They both are so beautiful.
Great progress on your Boo! I love this one!
ENFIN, j'ai trouvé comment poster un commntaire chez toi !!!!!!!
tes loulous sont magnifiques !!!!!!!!!
Your kids are adorable!!! Your stitching looks great, too :)
Your kids are so cute and funny! Nice photos. Your Boo design is looking great!
You have inspired me to buy swim goggles for my girls, finally. I'd been putting it off - yet another expense but Steb and Emma looked so great modeling them I thought it was high time Annie and Heidi got goggles.
Hope this comment goes through. I've had some troubles as I'm using Ralphs computer today and nothing works the same as on my laptop.
The kids are so cute! LOL!
Love the colors in this piece. Looks like a fun one to work on.
Take care of that ankle!
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