So Chuy is not working and we have almost all week long for us to live an almost single life while the kids are at school.
We went downtown in the afternoon and I did some shopping (for the kids of course ... ) I got some nice summer clothes for Emma. And look at what I brought back home: the new DMC catalog !!! 227 pages of pure bliss !!!
(the catalog gets bigger years after years !) I still haven't have time to go through the pages though (well, I did check some pages at the red lights on my way home
Bad girl, don't do that yourself !!!

Emma had to go to rehearse after school: all the students will present some work on wednesday and she will play her violin (and kill everybody's ears !!!
Nooooooooo! my daughter is of course a genius
I'm still sticking with BOoo!: honestly stitching black is boring ... and I have lots of black ahead of me ... It's not that I dislike black but it's plain boring ... What will I stitch next? I don't know ... You know how I feel guilty about the fuchsia ...
the DMC cataloge always are a temptation!.
the boo look great.
the fuschsia...well,someday ....
next work? maybe a tiny one ,form DMC cataloge?..
I agree, black is boring to stitch with. I've never seen a DMC catalog, can you believe that?
Hey you, suck it up and stitch that black! LOL I know how boring all one color can get at times!
hi chiloe liking the progress of boo! i am sure fuschia will come out of the cupboard soon enough dont be feeling guilty you are supposed to be stitching for pleasure after all! i will be getting the dmc catalogue next month (hopefully) ***long story lol**
was nice to sit and catch up on your blog. You have been very busy while I was away. I really like how the fuschia is turning out, hopefully you will get your mojo back to stitch on it some more.
And I love the boo piece. I will have to order that one soon. I love halloween charts.
Enjoy your catalog of DMC. There murst be gorgeous designs in it.
Your Boo design looks so great already!
DMC catalog is full of temptation :) I'm avoiding it in the hope of avoiding temptation.
Boo is looking good. I'm a bit worried about my next stitching project getting boring with the 15 skeins of black DMC required.
Boo is looking great! Looks like you may have another finish soon:)
You got a DMC catalogue! How come we don't have something like that over here :o(
Booo is lookin good!
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