First finished of 2008 was the Eskimo kiss by DMC (because that's what you do on New year eve right after midnight !!!

Then, I stitched a wintery piece (normal in winter !!!
But apparently, I still fell in that winter spirit because I stitched this little birdie by Lanarte in july:
In august, I stitched another Santa (it seems I have an habits of stitching chrismas during summer time !!! ) Noel by Alma Lynne.
I also thought august was a great month to finish my counrty cottage by Lanarte. This one was the most painful to stitch. I was so fed up with this huge design and don't think I would have finished it without your support and encouraging words. Thanks a lot !!!
In september, I finished another Lanarte:
And what did I finish on december 31st? You really thought I will let you go without taking advantage of the date with all these glitter (disco) balls
out of your closets? Look at what I got for you: I know: you can't believe it !!!
What pride can do ...
I didn't want this one to be a 2009 finish ...

Of course, the Oh! christmas tree by Lavender and lace is my biggest disapointment ... it was started as a SAL on a bulletin board and I was very naive to think everybody will stick with it ... I hope one day, I'll have enough strenght to pick it up again and stitch all that greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

I want to thank everyone who takes time to stop by my blog to drop me a line or two !!! It really warm my day. Internet allowed me to meet wonderful people from all over the world and make great friends. I'm very grateful to have you as friends !!!
Tu as abattu un sacré boulot cette année. Et que de très chouettes modèles.
Je te souhaite plein de bonnes et belles choses pour 2009 et à ta petite famille aussi.
Happy New Year Chiloe!! Congratulations on all your finishes this year. You have had a great stitchy year!
Congratulations on finishing your Gold Mine piece! It looks fantastic! All your 2008 finishes are lovely and I look forward to seeing what you stitch next year:)
Happy New Year!
beautiful finish!!
Happy new year!!!
2008 has been quite a stitching accomplishment year for you. Congratulations!
Congrats! You had some great 2008 finishes. I've been reading your blog this whole year (I think...) and I remember watching your progress on these pieces.
I'm going to get my year-end wrap up post together, either tonight or tomorrow. I'm trying to finish up one more piece before the end of 2008 (I've got over 6 more hours...I think I can make it!).
Happy New Year! Have a fine 2009!
You did some great stitching in 2008.
Got my fingers crossed for you that you can get the Christmas tree finished - even with all that green. Maybe you could turn it into a pink Christmas tree like mine :grin:
So wonderful to see all those finishes! I'm really glad to see Wild West on there. :) That's the one you were working on when I started following your blog.
Hope '09 is just as wonderful as '08.
Happy New Year and I wish you all the best for 2009!
Happy new yeears :-)
Félicitations pour toutes ses broderies terminée en 2008, je te souhaite de belles et nombreuses petites croix pour 2009.
très belle année 2009 ! bisoussssssss*****
You done alot of great pieces. Thanks for all the pictures.
Debra in Indiana
You sure have been busy!
I hope you have a GREAT new year! (And yes, you can still - always! - write to me. LOL!)
Those are some great projects!
I wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I enjoyed reading your blog in 2008. I hope 2009 is even better than you imagined it could be. Best Always, KD
You have had some lovely finishes in 2008 and I have loved seeing them grow - sorry I haven't commented more. I am looking forward to seeing what you will be doing in 2009 and I will try and comment some more because I really like visiting and reading your blog. It was nice "seeing" you too. :-)
What a great assortment of finishes for 2008! I love that Wild West piece.
Happy New Year! :)
You had such GREAT finishes! Congrats on them all (even this stinky guy LOL).
Hi! Happy New Year to you and your family.
Yes I did read your post, but I wasn't commenting, becuz it was so crazy busy around here. Today I am taking turns commenting and stitching, and it feels good, lol.
Wow! you had an impressive good stitching year.
I am going to challenge you in 2009 to finish or frame one of those 2008 stitched pieces and showcase it in your home.
Thank you so much for your support, I am going to take a pic of that stash, lol. Please don't give anyone anymore ideas on not want to post, lol. I might get a hate mail about my family, lol.
Christmas Tree is looking awesome, keep it going
Applause! Applause! As always, you are such an inspiration to me! When I see how much you accomplish with three little ones at home (complete with health problems) I have to believe that I, too, can finish things!
Believe it or not, I don't have your email address. I have your snail mail, but not email. So, here's mine - - and I hope you will drop me a note so I can have yours. Yes, I did read your encouraging comments. Things are better and when I get your email I'll fill in the story for you.
Thank you for being my good friend from online and I will visit often in 2009!
My my, you have finished some amazing pieces!!! How I wish I were able to finish even 1/4th of what you have done. And they all look soooo good. Not a single piece which is not good. I love the girl in the Lavender and Lace!!! Way to go!!!
You had a great year of finishes that's for sure but I can't believe that you actually finished your gold mine!!!! Congrats to you :o)
Happy New Year Chiloe and I look forward to another year of your funny antics ;o) LOL!
Happy New Year!
I love the chickadee!!! The chickadee is my favorite bird and it's hard to find pretty chickadee patterns.
All your work is beautiful. I don't know how you do it!!
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