My mom had sea foods for the joy of her guests (except me because I don't like sea food).
The kids had a lot of fun checking where was Santa on the NORAD website.

When we came home, the kids put their shoes under the tree.
We all stayed up late (secretly hoping the kids will oversleep in the morning ... ) Well, we woke up at 7.00 with the sound of Pierre throwing up. He woke up with a migraine ...
Soon after, he was feeling better and we could open the gifts. Those faces make Christmas magical:
Emma couldn't believe she got the Barbie and her walking horse:
We then had lunch at my mom's. My grand'ma came to join the fun. I found these holidays less stressful than last year but it's easy as we went to Germany for the holidays 2007 !!!
The kids are very happy with their gifts. I got only one cheesy gift this year. Chuy bought me a Will Ferrell DVD
First, you have to know that Chuy IS a Will Ferrell fan (not me ...
) It offered me: "Stranger than fiction"! Please, someone tell me it's not going to be one of these dumb movies: please! please
!!!! I also got (from him): a Minnie pajama (when I tell you he doesn't know what to get me and find whatever he can find at the last minute ...
) The only nice gift I got is my Pink CD's (well, I got only three gifts anyway ...) Talking about Chuy, he even wanted to keep shopping on december 24th ...
I said NO and I was lucky, he felt tired !!! A Will Ferrell movie: I still can't believe it
I offered him the 3 last seasons of Seinfeld (Amazon had a great deal: each DVD were $14.95 !) , a nice black sweater, a CD, a great DVD and my grand'ma offered him a stinky perfume
(she does every year
This year, it's my mom who got the cheesiest gift of all: my brother sent her an apple peeler
Honestly, my mom doesn't see herself taking the big thing out of its box to eat a simple apple ...
I thought it was one of her gifts but no, it was the only gift she got ... (and it's not even pink
) I don't know if my sister in law entered to the contest: worst gift you ever chose for your mother in law, but if she did, she may win first place !!! 
And us, we got this (we are delighted, of course !!! ):
Hope you all had a great day as well !!!! 
LOL, I'm sorry you got weird gifts for Chuy. I think it's a guy "thing". A guy I work with... he bought his wife a pillow (the kind you sleep on), pajamas, and socks. LOL! She wasn't too happy either. Men! Us women, we're so much more thoughtful. :)
Your Christmas dinner looked delicious and I love the idea of candles on the table.
Loved the pics of the kiddos :D Oh, I have to ask: Why were the kids putting shoes under the tree?
Merry Christmas!! It looks like everyone had fun except for the stinky gifts!! What is it with men? Luckily, my husband has learned and I have learned to make a list EARLY and post it prominently, and talk to him about it and remind him I don't want any "surprises" (gifts he thinks I would like!) Now Christmas is a lot more enjoyable in the gift receiving department.
An APPLE PEELER?? Again - a guy thing - they don't think about the person who's getting it - just "that's a great idea!" and then they get it.
You asked about my job on one of your posts to my site - I am a registered nurse and work on an inpatient psychiatric ward at a local hospital. I'm currently looking for a job in a pediatrician's office.
Where do you live if you don't mind my asking. I saw your Santa tracking.
Sorry to hear that your man is horrible at getting gifts. Maybe you need to throw a real fit! Just tell him next year to get you gift certificates to your favourite store. Or I give Todd a list with things from 600.00 to 6.00 on it tell him where they can be bought and he usually does a good job from that. Really he has to learn how much thoughtless shopping hurts your feelings!
I hope you enjoyed the day itself!
Obviously you need to buy your own gifts from Chuy from now on. That's just ridiculous. I told my husband about it and he really couldn't believe it.
Hey, I sent you an email (I need your new postal address) if you could reply to that, please.
The pictures of the kids are GREAT!!! Sending big cheery hugs!
jajaj pobrecilla tus regalos si que estuvieron raros....pero tu mama si que se gano el premio mayor jejej :)
Al menos los chicos estuvieron contentos con los de ellos....ah y el proximo año dile que mejor te de el dinero que piensa gastar en tus regalos y mejor te los compras tu ;)
Sorry your Christmas present was for Chuy.
Loved the pictures of the kids.
The table looked lovely.
I don't think I would want to recieve an apple peeler as a present, but I did buy myself one and I love it for making deserts, even getting the kids to eat apples after school. Washing it isn't too much of a chore, either. It IS a little tricky to fine tune, though.
I don't like seafood either. I don't like the taste or smell or price...I don't like anything about it. Nasty! ;-)
I enjoyed your Christmas pictures. :)
I like the outdoor setting.
Not a big fan of seafood either. For some reason I thought other people in the family were so I got a seafood platter for Christmas - not a good idea. Seems no one else likes seafood either.
I agree with some other commenters who mentioned the list approach. I usually help DH a LOT with his shopping for me :)
I'm glad the kids had a great Christmas with some surprises... looks like they were pretty happy!h
I have to side with chuy on this one ladies. At least he bought you some thing! I didn't get anything from excuse..He couldn't get to a store to buy anything..or my fav..he didn't know what to buy me. How lame. LOL
Really tho..sorry he didn't buy you nice gifts, maybe you should start buying him gifts that aren't so great. Maybe he will get the idea.
Your kids look so happy and dinner looks grrreat.
I enjoyed reading all about your Christmas! Thank you for visiting my blog. I will be posting some photos on mine in a few days as I have a new camera :-) Happiness in 2009! Alison, in England xx
Whew! Chuy did quite well then although I have to agree with the Will Ferrell thing :oS
The kids look like they had a great time. Love seeing those smiles! How come they put their shoes under the tree?
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