I survived 18 days without internet !!!
It is soooooooo sad to be that addicted
. A technician came to my home to check if something was wrong in the house. Actually the problem came from the line so it saved me some money ( if the problem was here, I should have paid for the technician visit.)
Maybe you want to see my fuchsia? I actually finished the green leaf last night (click to enlarge). I won't pretend I had fun stitching some green but Lanarte makes it so nice thanks to their clear and easy to read charts.
Our christmas tree is ready for Santa:
Chuy has his own WIP: his nativity. Today, we went to a park to get some fresh greens so I'll post another picture tomorrow of his greener nativity. The rare people we met probably thought we were crazy to bring the kids to the park with the so cold temperature 
Pierre played in a school play. He was not an actor but he played some music. It was based on an african legend. I know the picture sucks but I was placed far away from the stage ... I went there with Emma and Steb because Chuy was working in the afternoon shift. The play was really nice. Here my actor, very concentrated (he was a little nervous.) :

I warned you the picture was very bad !!!
Wanna see my new computer place? This is from where I'm chatting with you right now
I bought a new desk and gave the old one to Pierre (it was too big to fit in my little corner.)

We got a little problem at Pierre's school last week. During the play rehearsal, a boy decided to play with Pierre's neck. He "played" so nicely that he left a mark:
I was not happy about it and called the school. I hope it is all take care of now. I understand the boy was just fooling around but like I said to the counselor, Pierre didn't go through 2 years and a half of chemio to stupidly die because a boy was "just fooling around ... and pressed too hard around my son's neck..." 
Now that I'm back in blogland, I will be able to check your blogs again. I really missed seeing all your nice projects and readng about your life. Today was the last day of school for Steb and Emma and Pierre will be off tomorrow at 10.15. He usually finishes at noon but his sport teacher is absent tomorrow ( we won't complain, right?
So glad to see you back! I know what internet withdrawal can do to a person...and boy it sure isn't pretty! LOL
I'm so glad you're back! You have been greatly missed.
Your Christmas tree is darling, but not so much the marks on Pierre's neck.
Sending big hugs.
It is great to see you again! I'm really sorry about Pierre's neck... Your Christmas tree looks wonderful.
I'm so excited you are back online :)
The nativity looks amazing. I love nativity scenes.
Poor Pierre, I hope his neck heals up okay.
supers tes fushias !!!
c'est sympa de voir d'où tu te connectes :-))
et à l'école de Pierre, que t'a t on répondu ?
good to see you back online...
Your fushia is looking lovely.
Welcome back Chiloe! Your fushis is so pretty:)
superbe ton sapin!
Contente de te voir revenue parmis nous :-)
Ton ordi est super bien installé !
Drole de jeu que ce garçon a eu! grrrr
Bises et bon noel dans ta nouvelel habitation.
J'aime ta mise en scène de crêche !
très joli sapin et très belle crêche. As tu reçu mon colis du swap enfants de noël??
I love the fuchsia, and the tree, and the nativity scene! Sorry to hear about things at Pierre's school...
Merry Christmas to you!
Great to have you back among us other internet addicts. :) Lanarte looks great, the green makes the fuchsias look very pretty.
SO happy to have you back!!!!
I can't believe how fantastic your Fushia looks!!!! You've been doing some stitching anyway ;o)
What a cute tree.
That's terrible about Pierre's neck! I don't blame you for saying something.
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