On saturday, I got the flosses I bought from Missy. She was kind enough to sell them to me. Thank you very much Missy! I love this rounded envelope !!!

Look at all the beautiful colors !!! Yummy, isn't it? (yes, I had fun sorting them by colors !!!

I don't feel well today. I don't really know why but I'm very down so I'll keep this message short. Thanks for stopping by.
You are doing him real fast =0)). Very lovely Santa. Love your package. I always love big and round packages in my mailbox.
Sorry to hear that you are feeling down. Hope it is just the weather. Bright and sunny, 7 degree here in Denmark.
No wonder you don't feel well, you probably haven't slept by the looks of all that stitching you've done! ;o) Just kidding!
I do hope you start to feel better soon. ((((HUGS)))) How could you not with all that yummy floss!
What a jolly St. Nick! And what a wonderful load of new floss!
I hope you'll feel better soon!
What a jolly looking Santa and a super round package to arrive!!
Hope you feel better soon.
Wow! Great progress!!
I hope you start to feel better soon :(
Oh my god, you work at a terrific pace!! You have completed so much so soon!!! And Santa is coming out soo well.
Take care.
Santa is darling. The colours of floss are beautiful!
Sending you great big hugs. Hope you're feeling better soon.
*hugs* Hope you are feeling better soon! I know that down feeling. Your santa is growing really quickly!
Wow - that's a lot of progress already! Santa looks great already. :)
Hope you feel better.
I love Santa!! I have a Santa collection. I'll bet you're just missing your kiddos now that they're back in school!! ;)
I just love seeing floss all laid out by color- what a terrific stash! Enjoy!
Holy smokes that was some fast stitching! You'll be finished with this in no time!
***huggles*** I hope you feel better, hun.
Santa looks great and so does all that colorful floss! Hope you feel better.
lovely progress in santa!!.
maybe you dont feel well,for the change season?.
take care.
Ooooh all that yummy looking floss, the colours remind me of candy.
Santa is a little scary looking at the moment. Can't wait to see the next update.
Hope you feel better soon. (hugs)
Wow that's some fast stitching you've done with Santa!
Sorting new threads is so much fun! I love to see all the pretty colours spread all over. :)
I hope you feel better! *hugs*
You're making excellent progress on your Santa. Keep it up! :)
So sorry you're not feeling well. Get some rest today and stitch...that always seems to help. *hugs*
Chiloe, make sure you head over to my blog before Sunday night.
I gave you an award, please check my blog :)
Hope you feeling better (hugs)... Your Santa looks good!!
Hope you feeling better (hugs)! You Santa is just awsome!! Take care
He looks fantastic! I can't wait to see more of him!
Have a look at my Blog maybe it will make you feel better!
That is some sweet Santa!!!!
Awww, sorry you weren't feeling well. At least you had all those pretty colors to play with. :) *hugs*
tu vas pouvoir travailler avec toutes ces superbes couleurs ;-)
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