Look how my mailbox was generous yesterday !!! She brought me a yellow enveloppe from Canada. Pumpkin had asked my new address and I had given it to her but asked her to not play with it. Well, she didn't listen and send me these goodies to thank me for a gift I had sent her a while ago. This is a Sue Hillis chart that I always love. I am in love with Santa so stitching his working clothes is going to be fun !!! (I love the charm: the keys to the toys storage rooms

She also sent a little Mary Engelbreit kit that I love. Isn't it cute? I love M. engelbreit.

And she joined a very nice pink scarf (for breast cancer ) Emma may steal it to protect her violin and spread the news about breast cancer research and charity.

Thank you very much Cathey. I really love these gifts. You made my day and I can't wait to stitch these patterns
Yesterday morning, Steb was yawning like a very tired boy so I was sure he will sleep during nap time but he had more fun playing with his sister's flashlight so at 5 pm, someone had very heavy eyelids ...

I let him sleep for an hour but he was hard to wake up ...
My fuchsia? What can I say? Boredom? Get me out of here? Drowned in high greens?
So I finished an orange petal that was between two of my working copies. I added the light pink on the left but you have to believe me as it's barely visible on the pic. Click to enlarge !!!
Here you can see, I finished the green leaf, and the light pink that is around and this time you can see the
light pink that is barely visible but is E V E R Y W H E R E ...
Click to enlarge !!!
Someone's cranky!!!! I think it's time for you to take a break on the fuchias and start one of the wonderful gifts you got!! They came in the nick of time. I'm not a fan of working on more than one thing at a time, but when I have hit a part of a piece that is TOO BORING, I do one of two things. I agree to take a little break (which is REALLY hard for me to do) and I give myself permission to do that. Then I start something that feels really fun and it's amazing how energizing it is! Plus- there's no deadline, right? Ease up on yourself and have some fun for a few days. So far I have the vision of your broken window with a pile accumulating beneath it -the scale on the bottom, the fuchias on top of that and then the *censored* pink floss on top of that. I imagine the teacher could who hit Emma in the head could go through the window, too, but that's just my bias!!
You know I luv ya and am just joking around here! Hope I could bring a smile to your day!
I love Mary E., too - you have to smile with her uplifting outlook! I love Sue Hillis, too. She's delightful.
Love SH Good Night. It is really sweet and cute. I always thought you have 2 kids - a boy and a girl but seems like you have 3? He looks really cute.
Your Fuchia is really showing results and that 2nd picture is stunning and I love the colours. Sharpen that needle and stitch more on this one.
What a wonderful gifts yoú receivent!! Does your hand is slaping the other hand?? No? Not yet?? Go easy on yourself... but when I read your today article I have a "déjà vu" feeling... It rembers me you with the stinky man... how bothered you had with the details... but you had finish it... Make a break if you need too but don´t through him out the windows... unless I´m passing by at the time ;)
Take care.
Well the fushias look beautiful anyway :D You could try pulling out a wip you hate more to work on for awhile :D LOL Then you will want to get back to them :D You are very lucky getting such lovely gifts! You deserve them too *hugs*
Oh and I'm with Jean :D I also see the christmas tree on that pile tho :D
I'm SO happy that it all arrived! LOL! You deserved something fun in the mail ;o) I hope you found Santa's keys okay.
Steb looks like a little angel.
Oh, I can see what you mean :oS It's all coming together so nicely though! Don't you dare throw that out the window...
the gifts are very cute!.the fuchsia is stunning!
Yay Pumpkin! What awesome gifts!
I can see the pink. I promise. But I totally understand boring but it is pretty.
What lovely gifts, I love the Sue Hillis one. Maybe have a little break from Fushia - but it does look stunning still!
What a wonderful gift and such fun designs.
Great gifts! Stitching looks wonderful, even if it is tedious right now!
Hi! I found your blog through bloggers around the world!
You can't throw your Fushias out the window Chiloe. You can get through the greens and the light pink, I know you can. I'll be here to see it when you are done. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Your fuschias are so lovely. Hang in there! It will be so worth it in the end.
You received some lovely gifts from Pumpkin. How very nice of her
LOL - good luck with the greens!
Love the picture of Steb snoozing. And your gifts from Pumpkin are great!! :D
lovely picture of Seb sleeping,
and what super gifts, enjoy
take a break from the fuchias, they are stuning but i can understand your frustration with that pink!
Lovely gifts from Pumpkin, the key charm is adorable. :)
I agree take a break from the fuchias and stitch on Santa. :grin:
Oh My God!!! This is sooooo pretty! That looks like it's a painting! Unbelieveable! I admired it now for at least 10 minutes and cannot get over it. You do very pretty stitching projects.
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