I know I said health for the long haul is more important than weight loss but I lied !!!!
You know it's like when you start a new cross stitch project and you would like to see it finish the next week. All I want is to loose weight: I'm just a human being after all
For what to do with my scale
, Andie and Kathy A. agreed with me: kill the beast with the hammer while Tdkquintmom had a quicker approach: throwing the beast by the window ! I wonder which approach makes you feel better? The hammer or the window?
Kathy A. wants to kick hers ...
Poor scales: it's not a good time for them lately !!!
Back to what interest most of you: my fuchsias! No, there are not finished yet ... I'm struggling with the sea of greens ... See the close up (enlarge) to see how much fun I have every night now ...
And I'm far from being done ....
Click to enlarge !!!
Thanks again for your support on my non weight loss. It means a lot to me
Ok, - now we're talking! Throw the scale out the window- then it will be gone, you will feel better, and you will have something to distract yourself with- fixing the window!!!
Your fuchsia are beautiful! Sometimes I like getting to the boring green because I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it starts looking like a completed project. You are in the home stretch! Good job.
poor scale.....
the fuchsias,,uh! a lot of green i see there! uf! to much green..
Television helps. Not with the scale problem, but with the boring part of the stitch. Also, stitching with friends.
Thanks for your encouragement.
Pretty stitching!
Your Fuschas are just great! Keep fighting, you can do it!
My vote is to run over it with the car :o)
Your Fushias are really coming together now with the green going in! Don't stop because I want to see the end to this ;o)
LOL I like the runningn over it with a car too! I can't complain too much about my scale though...it has maintained the same weight over the past 5 years. That's a good thing I think. I was laughing at your last post on my blog...those verifications are a hoot sometimes and no, aint nobody wanting to see this naked! LOL
Love the stitching - hate the scales! I have a solution - beat them with the hammer & Then throw them out the window!
Your fuchsia are pretty but I feel for you all that green, ugh! atm yes I feel throwing my scale through my front window would make me feel so much better.
I would like to beat my scale with a hammer, then set it on fire in the bathtub (safety first!) and then throw the burning wreckage out the window into the pond beside the house and watch it sink. But, yeah, health first ....
C'est de plus en plus beau, bravo.
Tu comptes faire beaucoup de marche avec tes enfants pendant les vacances? Si oui je te souhaite du beau temps.
The girls have amazing ideas : hammer, car (very nice), fire (love it). But often, simplicity is the best. A good heavy hammer will make your day, I'm sure.
Working in a fast-food restaurant and eating there 3/4 times a week, I don't have a scale, lost it during the last moving. Too bad, isn't it :puppy eyes:
For the fuchsias, you're near the end, don't give up !
I just threw my scale away a few weeks ago because it was broken (not my fault!) and I've just decided not to replace it.
I hate working on one color too. Hang in there you'll get it! I like to either watch movies or listen to books on CD while I'm stitching. Kills 2 birds with one stone.
Courrage Chiloe pour ces derniers points en vert, ça rend vraiment bien. J'aime vraiment trop tes fuchsias.
Yea... my weight loss is not fit for conversation even, LOL. Many are in the same boat... I hope the boat hold alot of people!!
Chiloe, you are feeling the green "blues" again, aren't you?? I remember your struggle with them from past projects. Stick with it! :o)
Wow your fushia's look like a painting in the first picture they are so beautiful.
Your fuchsias look really beautiful!
Ahhhhhhh, you have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. You said you are exercising, so you just might be turning some fat into muscle. Don't worry about the numbers...keep up the exercising and you should be noticing a different in how your clothes fit. :) Hang in there!
Stick with the fuschias, too -- they are gorgeous and worth the challenge! Beautiful!
oh là lààà ils sont magnifiques !!!
tu es taguée sur mon blog ! bisous !
Keep up the great work with your exercising and weight loss you will get there in the end, I love love love those fuschias they are just fantastic :)
Love all these ideas for the scales! I daren't get on mine incase they tell me I've put on weight:(
I am in total awe of your fuschias. They look so beautiful.
oh they are so beuatiful !! I have the kit in my home, for a long time, mes kids and my husband bought it, for a mother's day
Hey Chiloe, You know, my scale hates me too, so I'm not going on it... LOL
Great work on your project, they are very nice flowers!
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