So I got my kit I bought on ebay Engalnd ( Merci Marie
Remember her? she shares my love of Lanarte )

I got my order from Univers Broderie and my first Madame la Fée chart (on sale !!!) By the way, for the fans like me, she went down on her prices !!!
I also got 2 secret charts from a different designer. (secret because there are for my PIF friends
I also bought 2 used charts:
From a french designer:

And one chart from Lili Points, another french designer:

I buy stash but I also stitch Here is my progress on the Christmas tree:

Pierre is fine
Edit: I just saw these snowmen and I love them !!! The colors are so happy !!! How can I get that one? .......
Is it the newest edition? I'll send it to you if I see it this weekend. I also have a similar snowman chart you might like if we can't find this one. I'll try to remember to dig it out for you to see if you like it.
Lovely stash!
très très beaux tes achats ! je ne savais pas que tu avais acheté Le Lanarte avec la mison... pour le reste oui.. bon, par contre, pour le magazine, ce n'est pas moi la tentatrice !!! alelz au boulot !
wow Chilo you are going to be busy. I adore the birds with the nest in the Roses.
Wow, that's some serious stash haul! I can't wait to see you stitching it all up!!!
Great haul! You're going to be busy :)
punaise, je ne le connaissais pas ce lanarte, je craque ! rahhhhhhhh
I have two Madame la Fee charts that I bought last year. I don't know if I will get to them this year as I have two BAPs in the queue, but I do love them and hope to stitch them someday. Her charts are simply darling.
Los kits y charts que has comprado estan todos muy bonitos!! Me encantan los hombres de nieve de esa revista...la tengo que comprar!!
Love the stash additions. Very nice.
Good progress on your stitching also.
I'm glad Pierre is feeling better.
wow! i love when a lot of stash is in the mail! :D
i am happy that Pierre is ok :D
I love the Snowmen! I was just thinking I needed to go look at the magazines to see if there was anything I wanted:)
There's a bookstore on the way to my mom's that carries a good variety of cross-stitch magazines. I'll stop on my way to Mom's and pick up a copy for you if they have it. I warn you, it will be "used" as Mom and I will both have to check it out!
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