Thursday, July 17, 2008

Are you ready?

Get your dusty glitter ball out of your stitching closet because I have a happy dance tonight !!! So let's dance !!! I finished the robin last night (as planned) Yeah to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

You can enlarge to see the details

And here is my new project that you all are waiting for:

Like I told you, it's a cutie. It's called April shower by DMC. Have you recognized a Somebunny to love pattern?

I love the little duckie on the right. Of course, it's a small project 5 X 7" (12.5 X 17 cm) and I changed the aida for a 32 count lugana called Castle View by Silkweaver. It's a light blue fabric. I got that kit on sale and couldn't resist too long to the cuteness of that bunny And you know what: I didn't forget anything today The country home is still waiting for me but it can wait

Pierre and Emma are having a lot of fun with their cousins but Steb gets lonely here without them ... Here the weather is cloudy and not very warm so we don't really go out ... We can't even planned an afternoon at the beach.


Tanja said...

Love that Robin! Lots of backstitch and details in it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the finish. That bunny is so cute. And not too much green. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the finish.
:: happy dancing ::

The new design is so cute and it looks little and not much green?

Daffycat said...

**happy dance*** Wonderful job on the robin. It is so pretty!

I like the new bunny you have started. Such a cute ducky!

Carla said...

felicitaciones te ha quedado muy bonito!! y me encanta tu nuevo proyecto...super tierno :)

Dawn T. said...

Yay!! It looks fantastic!:) And I LOVE the new project!

debijeanm said...

Whooop! There it is!
Whooop! There it is!

Veronica said...

Congratulations on the finish. Very pretty robin.

I knew that was a Somebunny design when I saw what you've stitched before I read what you wrote. Definitely cute.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wooo hooo! Congrats on your HD its beautiful!

Tammy said...

Congrats on your happy dance!

Your newest start is darling. I love it!

Carmen said...

lovely stitching ;)

Sally said...

Congratulations on your finish Chiloe! He is gorgeous:)

Pumpkin said...

Congrats!!!! Your Robin is so pretty Chiloe :o)

The bunny is adorable as well but then again, I can't turn away a cute bunny ;o) LOL!

As you can see, I am very behind in my Blog reading but I am catching up. Brie is doing well and yes, she is using her back legs but cannot walk 100% by herself. A couple of her disks colapsed and put pressure on her spinal cord :o(

Sonda said...

The robin is wonderful!!

Jenna said...

Congrats on the finish! The robin is beautiful and I really like the fabric it's stitched on.